March 16, 2020

Weekending it

Hi from Brooklyn!

I truly never thought we'd every be in a situation like this. It's scary and I hate it.

Everything escalated SO quickly here. Just a week ago Mandy and I had a nice day at the playground with Kip and went and got ice cream for Kip and bubble tea. We enjoyed the early spring weather and we went to the store and only picked up things we needed for dinner.

Now, everyone is working from home. Mandy is taking a break from nannying for the the other family she worked for in New Jersey. We are only leaving our house to go out for walks at 6 am before the sun is up and the streets are busy. No more playgrounds. No more bubble tea. No more normal. We are all trying to limit the stress or at least showing the stress. We are getting creative with food. Rationing when we can.

I don't want to be negative or complain as everyone is in the same situation and we are all just trying to figure it out. So, I've made a list of things I'm grateful for right now.

- Kip is potty trained (probably 90%) reducing our need for stocking diapers and wipes
- We are safe. We have a home and food and can financially sustain ourselves for the time being
- Mandy is here. She is still coming to help us out with Kip. She is comic relief and it feels good to have some family close
- We have a car. We can drive to at least see something different. We can go to Mandy's house. Dan can drive me to my doctor appointments. We don't have to rely on public transportation
- It's sunny and spring is coming, even if our outdoor time is restricted
- The baby is safe inside my belly. Praying this is over before she arrives
- Kip is little and not fully aware of what is happening and will hopefully have no memory of it
- Extra family time together. This is exciting!
- Slow schedule. Now that we don't have commitments and commutes we go to bed earlier and have slower mornings 
- We have a tiny extra freezer we used for Kip's breast milk which is stocked with extra food.

I'm sure there is more and I'll try to keep more lists to maintain some positivity.

Here is what our weekend looked like.

On Friday, Mandy arrived early and she and I went to Staten Island to go to Trader Joe's. The line was long but we got everything we needed. We spent the rest of the day playing together with Kip while I did some work from home.

On Saturday Dan and I drove over to Mandy's house for a change of scene. Kip loves it at Mandy's apartment. We went to a park nearby and found an area where no one else was and let Kip play with his cars in the dirt.

Sunday, Dan and I got up as soon as Kip woke up at 6 am and we went for a walk outside. It was dark out still and chilly but we all got fresh air and Dan and I got some exercise. We went to the local store at 7 am when it opened and got fresh items for the week. We came home and didn't leave at all the rest of the day. Church was canceled and they moved to the house church model. We opted not to attend a house church as we felt that wasn't effective social distancing. Dan and I had to watch the sermon in chunks but it was still great to get to hear a short message and worship songs.

Kip got a good nap. We got chores done. And we spent a lot of time together. It ended up being a really great day.

But it's not all fun and games. Kip is a toddler and he is pent-up and picking-up on the stress of the situation. He isn't sleeping great. He is throwing a lot of tantrums. He is demanding a lot of attention. But we are trying our best and extending grace as much as possible. It's a long road ahead with no end in sight or solution on the horizon. I'll try to keep updates coming with some fun regular posts as well. Life goes on and so shall we.

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