Okay so the monthly photo growth progression trend is totally a new-mom era of social media thing and I bought into it and did it for Kip's first year happily.
See those back here.
And in that post from last year I said I was glad I didn't have to wrangle him for the photos anymore. But then I got sucked into this feeling of historical significance and I thought well what's the big deal? Just keep going! It can't be that hard to take one similarly styled photo once a month for his second year, right?
Famous last words.
Trying to get a blooming toddler to sit in a chair and smile is nearly impossible. But I persevered because I couldn't stand the idea of having half a year and then stopping. So here they are, poorly taken with glaring shadows and awkward light, my frustrations locked behind the other side of the camera. Just focus on the cute baby face.
On Kip's first birthday he weighed 23 pounds 3 ounces and was 31 inches tall! On his second birthday, he weighs 28 pounds and is 35 inches tall. He grew 4 inches and gained 5 pounds! Everyone comments that he is tall for his age but he is in the 60th percentile for height now, so that's about average. He has a big head, maybe that's what makes him look older.
Now, I'm NOT taking monthly photos this coming year! Famous last words? We'll see.
Keep taking them. Someday you’ll be so happy you did.(Even if it is a pain in the backside.) Look how much he’s changed in just this year! Love that little booger❤️