September 13, 2017

Kippy || 1 Month Old

Sunday, September 10th was Kippy's one month old birthday! I can't believe how fast it went and how much he has already grown. It's hard to see it day to day but it's happening faster than we know.

Kipling Alan at One Month
Weight: 9 lbs. 3 oz. (up from 7 lbs. 5 oz. at birth)
Height: 22 inches (up from 20 in. at birth)
Personality: feisty and sweet

Mad (look how long his legs are!!!):

Being bounced on the yoga ball, endlessly
PACIFIER, kid is hooked (oops - I have a love/hate relationship with this thing)
Cold breastmilk from a bottle
Stroller and car rides
Being sung to

Diaper and clothes changes
Nursing (all attempts have failed) but he is taking my pumped breastmilk voraciously
Having his hands and arms swaddled
Being burped

Size 1 diapers
0-3 month clothing (most are a little big)
Loves the Swaddle Up for nighttime

Things I want to remember about Kippy at one month old:
When you are hungry and looking to feed, you pant like a dog and give grunty coughs
How strong you are! You kick so much and even push up onto your legs when trying to be burped. You also hold your head up for several seconds unassisted and love to look over our shoulders
The way you clinch your fists and bring them close to your neck when you have a bottle or are sucking on the pacifier
How you almost always get the hiccups after a bottle (this reminds me of his hiccups in the womb)
How your tiny voice gets a little hoarse if you've been crying for a bit
When you are up on my shoulder attempting to burp and you're still hungry, you bring your head around to my face looking for more milk and rub your wide open wet mouth all over my cheek. I call this "rooty kisses."
How soft your little cheeks are
How you wrinkle your brow and hold it in that position for several minutes
How you still look like your newborn self when you sleep
How pink you are!!

You've met both sets of grandparents and already love both your aunties on mom's side. You've had two playdates. One with your new friend Judith and one with baby Joshua. And you've had lots of other visitors. You don't mind being held by other moms but are generally fussy when someone not confident with babies tries to hold you.

You've come with mom and dad to a couple of restaurants and you've gone to church once so far. The first "trip" you went on was to New Jersey for a day trip with Auntie Mandy.

Your longest stretch of sleep at night has been six hours (on occasion) but is typically two to four. You are a terrible napper when it's just you and mom but tend to nap better when company is around. You seem to like your afternoon naps while being held but are surprisingly good at going down for the night relatively unassisted. You don't seem to like baths but you are very relaxed afterwards.

Your feedings are all over the place and Daddy and I have struggled to know how much to feed you and when. It seems like you could eat without stopping and get extremely mad when we stop the feed to burp you. I'm pumping every 2-3 hours and producing about 65 oz per day. It's a massive oversupply and honestly stresses me out more than the baby but I'm grateful that I'm making the milk you need.

Month one was a huge learning curve and I feel like we will continue on that curve until forever. Yikes but yay! So much to look forward to.


  1. 65oz per day!!! What's your secret??? His legs ARE long! That's so cute! I love how he likes cold milk- it took my kids forever to drink milk cold. Kippy is ahead of the game. :)

  2. Stephanie, He looks wonderful. You and Dan are doing a great job. Love you all Grandma
