April 4, 2016

Weekending it

Another week of winter?

Well fine.  Fits my disposition anyways.  We just need to get through the next four weeks and then salvation comes.

Highlights from the weekend:

We won best costume at a game night themed birthday party.  I used fabric markers to trace the Price is Right logo on some of Dan's undershirts.  We had just the right color paper for the name tags too.

Dan played video games for several hours on Saturday with his old roommate.  Josh and his wife were back from Pittsburgh for a visit and stayed with us.  We met up with some other friends for lunch and I got some baby love for a bit.

Sunday after church Dan baptized one of the teenagers in the baby pool at the church office.  I love that our church has done Coney Island baptisms in the ocean but sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate so this is how we roll.

It was a mixed nuts weekend.  Here, there, and everywhere. 

Both of us need more sleep.  Physical sleep, emotional sleep, mental sleep, spiritual sleep.  Dan's on fumes and I'm already empty (my tolerance for nonsense is much lower than his). 

Meanwhile, I've had this song on repeat for the last four days.

The lyrics make no sense to me.  I just like the beat. 


  1. Wowie! I had no idea you free handed the logo on the t-shirts. I totally thought u bought them somewhere! SO impressed!

    1. I didn't free hand it, I put a printout of the logo on the inside of the shirt and traced it. I'm not as talented as you think.

  2. I agree with Mandy!!! You should design for a living. Love you
