April 15, 2016

Peeks from the Week

Side story to start.  Back when my mom turned 50 we had a big party in our backyard to celebrate.  My dad convinced me that I should do a surprise violin duet at the party with my teacher.  I agreed, practiced, and was ready.  Right before the party started we told my mom.  She was excited and happy and asked me "are you nervous?" I said no, and she said "really? I would be."  And then I was.  I psyched myself out and got super scared and cried for like 10 minutes.  Somewhere there is a photograph of me and my teacher performing and I have a puffy post-cry face.  Ugh.

Moral of the story...I'm cool until someone else makes a big deal and then I doubt myself.

This week I was tagged to give a small presentation this morning about the big project I am managing.  No big deal, I'm confident in the project and I can communicate clearly.  Yeah, the meeting was in front of the museum office staff but I was fine.  Then like five different people come up to me and say "I heard your presenting.  Are you nervous.  Are you ready?"  Well, I was.  Can you stop talking to me now?  

Anyways, I presented.  It was fine.  The world keeps turning.  But for a hot second I was worried I would look like 8th grade me, red-eyed and puffy-faced in front of all my colleagues.

Every day is a series of moments to survive.

Big week this week.  I met-up with a friend on Tuesday night and we took a two hour macaroon class.  It was a lot of fun and the whole process felt really simple in the bakery.  However, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try it at home.  We made three flavors: birthday cake, raspberry, and chocolate.

On Wednesday night Dan and I signed a lease for a new apartment.  It's the one we looked at on Sunday and I mentioned in my post on Monday.  We were both slightly worried we were being scammed (because nothing is that easy) but I recorded the entire transaction (for evidence) and everything has checked-out fine so far.  We don't get the keys until end of May since the current tenants are still living there, but we're excited and super happy we found something so quickly.  I'm hopeful it will be a good fit for us and a nice fresh start. 

Tonight is Video Game night with the youth group and tomorrow Dan and I are headed upstate to go hiking for the day.  Spring weather has returned!

Wishing...I had some spare time to go spring clothes shopping

Hoping...the rest of the day flies

Thinking...about more sleep. always

Praying...this five mile hike tomorrow isn't a beast

Planning...what furniture we can fit in the new place and what stuff we'll have to get rid of

Dreaming...of paint colors and decorating a new home


  1. Eeek! So glad you got that apartment! We sign paperwork to sell our house and buy our next one on Monday! I'm hoping all your furniture fits in your new place. I, too, am excited about decorating a new home. Those macaroons look delish and oh so cute! You get to do the coolest things!

    1. Yay! Glad to hear about the new house! Super exciting.

  2. Congratulations on the new apartment. Sometimes the right thing does come easy. I'm so happy for you.
