March 14, 2016

Weekending it

It's a beast of a Monday.  I slept through my alarms (I have three).  Thank you Daylight Savings Time.  Fortunately I still got out the door on time.  But I was greeted at the Subway stop with this:

That's at least two trains worth of people on the platform which means a train hadn't arrived in at least a half hour.  Another man on the platform confirmed that.  I decided rather than waiting on a packed platform with mad people, I would walk nine blocks in the heavy rain to the express subway.  When I got above ground a bus pulled up that was taking people to the express subway (fortunately he didn't require everyone to swipe since there were about 40 people trying to get on).  At the express stop the local train was stalled.  So that was the issue.  Sometimes you never know what the problem or delay is about because a lot of times they don't announce anything at the stations.   It just gets people more mad.  A local train (my usual train) arrived a short time later and I got to work only 5 minutes late.  Could have been way worse, but no thank you Monday.

I am usually understanding about subway delays.  There are SO many variables that could throw schedules off but I'll admit it is super hard to accept when fares increase without any improvements.  And no, I do not consider wi-fi on trains an improvement. 

Well let's remember better days.  The weekend!

Saturday was bliss.  My friend invited me to go on a mini road trip with her to a Hobby Lobby in New Jersey!  We got Starbucks (treat #1) on the way out of Brooklyn and arrived in heaven on earth a little over an hour later.

We spent three hours at the store causally browsing and taking our time (treat #2).  I stuck to my $100 budget and got some good inspiration for future apartment decorating.  Then we went to Chick-fil-a (treat #3)!  We saw one on the way to Hobby Lobby but the GPS took us to a mall food court so that was interesting.  It took us awhile to find it but it was worth the journey.   It was a great day.  I loved it.  Hobby Lobby is my happy place and having a friend that understands and agrees and will drive you there is even better.

Sunday after church I took a solo trip to the grocery store...and broke our second granny cart in less than a month.  Sigh.   We spent the afternoon watching Saved By the Bell (the early years - Good Morning Ms. Bliss) and then I made roasted chicken drummies and from scratch rice pilaf for dinner.

It's been a gloomy rainy day in the 40s which is a shock to the system after the nice weather we were spoiled with last week. Guess it's good to at work then.  Looking forward to a 4-day work week. 

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