So I have today off from work - to use my last rollover vacation day. Dan took the day off too and we are going to see Blue Man Group tonight in the city. But before that we need to do a lot of chores because this weekend will be off the wall crazy busy and we won't have time to do laundry or shopping. Tomorrow our church is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt in a local park. Dan's done a lot of the planning with a group of ladies at church and they are expecting upwards of 150 people. I'm on face painting duty which I'm pretty excited about.
Sunday is Easter!

Wishing...we could send our laundry out but that's not an option on our budget. Sigh.
Hoping...we get all our chores done quick so we can still have fun today
Praying...the Easter Egg hunt is successful and not too stressful
Planning...our to-do list for the day
Dreaming...about the sun-filled days of summertime
On Thursday I came home to find a bouquet of my favorite flowers! I always tell Dan not to buy me flowers because they are so expensive and die so quickly. But sometimes he doesn't listen to me and I don't mind.
These are my favorite flowers - they're called Stock. It's a lame name for such a pretty flower. They press really well too.
Ok gotta go - lots to do! Have a great weekend!
Hope you had a great time today and a wonderful Easter. Love you both tons and bunches. Terri Mom