March 7, 2016

Weekending it

We had a great balance this week of relaxation and productivity.  We slept-in on Saturday and started  watching Fuller House on Netflix.  We watched the first episode last weekend and I feel like I covered my face for half of it because it was so corny.  But then I kept hearing everyone say it was really good so we gave it another try.  And it is.  It's definitely corny and ridiculous at times but I'm sure the original is way more corny than I remember.  Kimmy is a really great addition with a more leading role and the kids are cute.

One thing that super irritated me right from the first episode, though, is that most of the set is the exact same.  Am I really supposed to believe they have the same couch after 30 years?  Fortunately they addressed the couch issue in one episode so there's that.  I also have a hard time in general when the interior layout of the house is completely not possible if the exterior is to be believed.  I know, it's crazy.  It's just a TV show and of course it's not really that house but it's the details people! Here is the real Full House.

Jessy took Mandy and me to see it a few years back when we went to visit her in Cali.  It's a fully residential street, someone actually lives there and I bet they can agree the inside of that house is nothing like the set.

In a similar kerfuffle.  It's impossible for the below apartment building to accommodate Monica and Rachel's apartment from Friends.  Where is the giant window and balcony?

You can actually see this building in Greenwich Village.  I saw it a few years back on a walking tour.

Anyways, the rest of Saturday Dan and I made heart shaped scones and sandwiches.  I had a friend over for afternoon tea and chat and Dan graciously helped me prepare the spread and then vacated the premises for nearly four hours of girl time.  

Dan also made dinner in the crock-pot!  I am continually grateful for how helpful Dan is and his willingness to serve me in so many ways.

We did our taxes that night and this was the first year we filed together.  Holy tax benefit!!!  We filed separately last year because of my student loan but now that that is gone we were able to file together and are getting a good refund.  Woot!  So we went shopping after church on Sunday but only walked away with a few things for Dan.

This week we are looking forward to temperatures in the 70s!!!!  YAY fake Spring is here!!!!!! And I am also looking forward to Saturday when I get to make a trip to heaven on earth in New Jersey.  Terri Mom will know what this means.  Squee.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl. I went there to today in KC. Love you so much. Terri Mom
