March 11, 2016

Peeks from the Week

You know that song "Wishin' and Hopin' " by Dusty Springfield?  It's an oldie but goodie.  Listen here.  I decided to take the lyric phrases to use as writing prompts for our Peeks from the Week posts. 

Wishing... this super nice weather would stick around for more than a week

Hoping... winter weather is officially over

Thinking... it's probably not

Praying... my motivation will improve with the weather

Planning... on making homemade bread some time soon

Dreaming... about a new apartment

This week was pretty typical.  Nothing new.  Nothing old.  Here's a funny story: On Wednesday night I walked into the apartment building lobby after work and there was a huge stain of splattered laundry detergent on the carpet.  I instinctively suspected that Dan was responsible for it.  1) it smelled like our detergent 2) I knew Dan planned on doing laundry and 3) it had been nicely wiped-up.  Many people in our building let their dogs poop in the stairwells, Dan is a gem courteous enough to clean up his mess.  I was right.  Dan dropped the bottle and the lid split open and detergent spilled everywhere.  Oops.  At least the lobby smells nice now instead of a rotting corpse. 

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I like the song connection. Also the story about the detergent made me laugh
