This week felt SOOO long and so off routine, it made my brain scrambly. It started Monday when I was pulled from my normal work routine to go trim flowers, de-thorn roses, a remove "made in Taiwan" stickers from French flags. There was a vigil for the Paris terrorist attack at the 9/11 Memorial and everything was last minute. BUT it ended up being really nice and I'm in the first three seconds of this video!

I didn't get back to my desk until after 3 pm and I hadn't eaten lunch yet so it totally threw my rhythm off.
Tuesday night, instead of our typical breakfast for dinner and maybe an unplug night, Dan and I met some of my grad school friends at a total dive bar in The Village. Guys, I hate bars without food. I'm not a drinker really so if I go to a Happy Hour I need something to eat. It was nice to see some friends but we left early to go to Chipotle. #priorities.
Wednesday was our Small Group Friendsgiving. Yum!!

I am really in love with our small group this year. I mentioned before that it is totally different group make-up than it has been in for the last five year. New people, new location, new time, new format. Change is hard for me but I am fully adjusted and fully grateful for this new group. I am glad to be able to build deeper relationships with older couples in our congregation, spend time with some of the teenagers, and build bonds with other women I felt removed from before. Also the food and discussion is always absolutely epic. Totally refreshing.
Yesterday was the worst morning commute I have ever experienced. The train was SO crowded that the woman next to me had her chest pressed against me with my left arm wedged between her you-know-whats. It was so uncomfortable but there wasn't anything she or I could do about it. There were three shouting squabbles in my train car about pushing or stepping on toes or "MOVE INTO the CAR." With shouts back "WE CAN'T." Followed by, "Oh BULL*&%$." I am highly claustrophobic so this situation was hard for me and I was only spared a panic attack because the five people surrounding me were all at least a foot shorter than me so I had full access to fresh air above them. And it helped imagining how much worse it would have been to be in a dark cattle car in the dead of winter headed to a concentration camp. Welcome to my brain.
I arrived at work fully stressed-out and so I decided I deserved to start listening to Christmas music. No shame.
Ugh, this post it totally whiny. Sorry. Here is some happy: It's Friday. Christmas music! Vacation starts in t-minus 5 hours. Pizza night. Big Apple Circus and ice skating in the city tomorrow!! And these, hedgehog cookies I made on Saturday.
Happy Friday!
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