Ribbon headband holder:
This idea was rolling around in my brain for over a year and I'm not sure what took me so long because it only required two supplies: ribbon and fabric glue. It is attached to the wall with a command hook.
Photo/art display:
I wanted to find a vintage yard stick and glue vintage clothespins to it but good luck finding those in this area. So we improvised by painting a regular yard stick from the hardware store and gluing decorative ladybug clothespins that my mom gave me. It is also attached to the wall with command strips.
Recipe binder:
Since moving to New York over six years ago, I've been using a journal notebook to write down my go-to recipes. The journal was annoying me because the book doesn't open flat and I was increasingly frustrated by my less than nice penmanship and misspellings.

Then I found a mini binder and mini sleeve protectors at Staples. There were also matching dividers and pockets for the binder. Perfect! Over the summer I typed up my recipes and transferred everything to this nice binder. Everything is divided by meal type (main and side dishes, crock-pot, breakfast, baking, and other) and typed for a uniform look. Not only does the binder open and lay flat but the page protectors keep stains from ruining the recipe.
Now, I do love a well worn, stained, and handwritten recipe book (so much character and history) but I couldn't stand the time it was taking to hand write everything to my standards. By typing the recipes I have a consistent look and no misspellings! The pockets are also nice for storing recipes I haven't tried yet. The clean look makes me happy.
I've been doing other crafts as well but they are purely decorative and have no real purpose, I will share those later.
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