April 24, 2015

Peeks from the Week

Well, another week rolls by uneventfully.  Things around these parts are pretty quiet and unexciting.

For example, all the local news (and the Today show - because it's local here) have been talking about for the past two days is the coyote sitings all over the Upper West Side.  You would think people were talking about a polar bear running around apartment complexes - everyone is up in arms.  COYOTES! Even the police are chasing them.  I don't get it.  Of course there are coyotes.  I mean we are the ones that invaded their habitat.  Also, there are foxes all over my parent's neighborhood in Denver.  They live in the storm sewers, no one cares. 

Now, can we talk about how weird of a name coyote is?  It is not spelled like it sounds. I hate words like that.  If I had to spell it I would prefer kaiotee.  There, that's better. 

Anyways, about our week.  We haven't been grocery shopping in two weeks.  This means we have been eating some random meals and I am failing at being a dutiful homemaker and wife.  I'm the worst at meal planning.  I try and then get lazy or things come up and we get off schedule.  Or the store doesn't have a crucial ingredient and I give up entirely.  But I have been gathering tips and ideas for how to do better, stay motivated, and be the perfect 1950s housewife.  I'll get it together.  I promise.

So remember last week's peek when I posted my list of apartment improvement projects? Well, I'm knocking them down.

I redid the caulking around the bathroom window and this weekend I plan to scrub the walls and floor.  Fun stuff.

We also starting applying the vinyl polka dots to the spare room wall.  Mandy is being a total hater about this design idea but so far we like it.  It feels whimsical and fun.

Our coral touches for the bedroom arrived and they make me really happy.  Just enough for a feminine touch but not too much to make Dan cringe from pink overkill. 

I have a BIG to-do list for the weekend which is good because we have reverted back to winter here.  Heavy coats and biting wind.  It's super depressing.  

Hope you enjoyed this peek. Happy Friday!

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