April 7, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: Favorite Vacation

Ahhh, vacation...Today I'm linking-up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesdays: Favorite Vacation Ever!

When Dan was growing up, his family didn't take many vacations and my family would always do something in the summer but it was always a road trip.

To date, neither Dan or I have traveled outside of the country (except Mexico).  Neither of us did study abroad and we certainly didn't "take a year off to travel."  Do people actually do that??  But obviously, we aren't world travelers.  Maybe we make-up for it by living in NYC? Close enough right? 

Anyways, the best vacation we have taken together, so far, was our Homey-moon in Cape May.  It was a short trip but oh so sweet and you can read/see all about it by clicking here.


Technically it's the only "real" vacation we've been on together.  We have traveled several places together but those were all trips to see family, or just overnight adventures. So while we have done things that felt like vacations to us, they weren't the type of Caribbean cruise or backpacking through Europe excursions that other people consider a "real" vacation.

Maybe some day we'll travel to Europe and visit all the WWII sites I'm interested in seeing or go to Sweden where Dan's family has their roots.  I'm hoping we'll take our kids on summer road trips like my family did when I was little. And I'm sure there are hundreds of trips to Kansas, Chicago, Colorado, and California in our future for all those annual trips to see our family throughout the States.  Gosh, now I'm feeling all patriotic and nostalgic for all the awesome places we could go and people we could see just by bouncing around this great country.    In fact, Dan and I have a quick weekend trip planned for May to explore Philadelphia and maybe squeeze in a bus trip to Boston.  A trip to Chicago is in the works and we are definitely returning to Cape May for our anniversary this summer.   So much to look forward to!!


  1. Stephanie, I love this post because it is so real. My husband and I have not traveled all over the world like so many people have, but we do cherish our time together on the smaller trips. We try to do little weekend get aways every now and then and the longer we are married the more I value those trips. They aren't glamourous and most of the time they hardly cost us any money, but they are such a sweet time for us to spend with one another.

    1. Thanks Heather! Weekend get-aways are my favorite! Thanks for stopping by our blog...now I'm off to go checkout yours
