April 10, 2015

Peeks from the Week

Mandy wants me to post more throughout the week.  Honestly, our lives aren't that interesting and I worried I wouldn't have anything good to post.  Mondays, I usually report about our weekend and then I usually try to post one or two more times throughout the week about random stuff.  I typically only mention things that happen during the week if they are out of the ordinary.  A lot of blogs I follow do weekly recaps on Fridays...like "Five on Fridays" or "Friday Favorites."  I could join one of those bandwagons but...um no.  Over saturation.

So, I'm going to start my own Friday recap post and call it "Peeks from the Week."  So, here we go!

Dan has been suuuuper helpful in the kitchen this week.  On Monday I came home and he had made hamburger helper for dinner.  On Tuesday I was planning on making waffles and sausage (I didn't tell Dan this).  When I walked in the door he had the table already set and dinner already made.  It was like he read my mind!  He had never made waffles solo before and he was proud of himself.  I was proud of him too. 

On Wednesday we met up after work to go to Pathmark which is a real grocery store in Brooklyn.  I say real because most of the grocery stores in our neighborhood are SMALL.  Close your eyes and think about the produce section at your local store.  Now imagine that is the size of the entire store.  The aisles are half sized.  The selection has 1/3 of the normal offerings.  There is no back-stock.  We still shop at our local store but we discovered that meeting up at the big store and hauling our groceries back on the subway in a granny cart works pretty well for us. 

Anyways, on Wednesday we stopped at the Golden Arches for dinner before shopping.  Sometimes we crave it.  Haters gonna hate.  When you walk as much as we do living in the city its perfectly fine to shove your face with nuggets and fries on occasion. 

At Pathmark in the check-out line they had a three magazine bundle for $7.99.  I picked it up and gave Dan my pathetic eyes and he said "Sure, you can get it."  I gave him my biggest smile which he loves.

Yesterday I stayed home on account of strep and a yeast infection.  Sorry, over share.  But that night Dan made dinner AGAIN!  It was a baked taco stack and it was AMAZING. 

We ate the entire thing because #truth

Hope you enjoyed this peek.  Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I love all your funny food comments. I LOVE me some McDonald's and whoever says they never eat there are missing out.
