July 9, 2014

Weekending it

Long holiday weekends are the best and we filled ours with apartment productivity and lots of fun.

Dan hung the curtains in the living room and bedroom.

I scrubbed the heck out of the kitchen cabinets.  The previous tenant must have been into greasy cooking and allowing her cat to roam everywhere.  The tops of the cabinets were coated in a layer of grease and cat hair.  I made them shine.

Lovely right?  Yuck

I also cut liners for all the shelves and started putting our dishes into their new homes.

Then Dan and I tag-teamed and painted an accent wall in the living room and bedroom.  Dan knows a lot about painting so he taught me how to "cut-in" and how to properly roll.  It was fun.

Then we headed to Dan's current apartment and started packing and cleaning things up. 

The 4th was pretty rainy and gloomy thanks to hurricane Arthur so we didn't do much of anything patriotic except Dan made all-American hamburger helper for dinner.

On Saturday we went with some friends to the Color Run (more on this later).  Unfortunately Dan's gimpy foot kept him from participating but he still came to cheer us on and we vowed next year to run together.

Later that day we went to the Transit Museum to finish off Dan's birthday requests.  Dan is a true boy and loved all the trains and old subway cars.  He especailly like the computer game that simulated driving a subway.  I found that incredibly boring and pratically had to peel him away from it.  My favorite part was the old advertisements on the trains.

After the museum we saw Transformers at the movie theater and indulged in a giant bag of popcorn.

Sunday we took it easy and got back into our relaxing routine.  I love long weekends. 

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