November 20, 2023

Life Lately

It's been a bit chaotic here. We had construction happening at the house all last week. After reporting a leak in our living room for over two years, the property management company and HOA board finally agreed to address our balcony which was the source of the leak. When they ripped it up, the support beam was rotted out! It was a multi-day project and even longer than expected when the contractor made a mistake and they had to redo 1/2 the job. 

Simultaneously, we were getting a new stove installed. The stove that was here when we moved in was not holding a consistent temperature making it really hard to properly cook food. We bought a new stove and a microwave to go above the stove and we were all feeling happy about it. When they came to install the stove they realized our gas pipe was too tall making it impossible for the stove to go flush against the wall. The install guys said to call a plumber to shorten the pipe. Sure, no big deal. So a plumber came the next day and charged us over $1,000 to cut the line, but what could we do? We didn't want the stove sticking out 5 inches from the wall! Anyways, the stove looks great and I cooked dinner in the new oven. It was a dream! It preheated accurately and held a consistent temperature the entire time. The food cooked fully exactly in the time it should have. Great! 

Then, later that night we realized the gas fireplaces and the gas water heater were not working. The plumber had not re-lit the pilot lights and we were nervous about doing it ourselves because we smelled gas in the utility room. So at 11 pm the gas company had to come out to check for a leak. Fortunately, there was no leak and the guy kindly lit the pilots for us. 

Can you say amateur homeowners?

What will Murphy's Law serve us up when they come to install the over-stove microwave? 

Anyways, the balconies are fixed and the stove and gas appliances are working. Except over the weekend we discovered there is a quarter inch gap opening between the balcony doors in Kip's room. So we have to follow-up with the contractors AGAIN. It feels like nothing ever gets done in one shot!! 

Friday was Ivy's half birthday and Kip was eager to make it special. He made her a handmade card and simple airplane. We got her a unicorn book, unicorn stuffie, and a new unicorn outfit. She was thrilled.

Dan and I took the new ferry into the office on Friday. We've been waiting three+ years for this ferry to come to fruition. It cuts our commute time in half and is a really pleasant ride. Unfortunately, it is more than twice as expensive so for now it's just a treat. 

This weekend we didn't have any plans so we enjoyed the down time with the usual chores. The kids worked on some crafts and Mandy and I got started on Christmas shopping. Shutterfly reminded me that it was 10 years ago that Dan proposed to me. Relive that memory here. We were babies!! 

To "celebrate" Dan went and got me bubble tea which is a trek compared to when we lived in Brooklyn. It was yummy. That also means I've been keeping this blog up-to-date for 10 years as well! Phew!

It's a short week ahead of the holiday and Jagee and Poppa arrive in the next couple of days!!! Happy Monday!

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