November 17, 2023

Ivy || 3 1/2 Years Old

Today, Ivy turns 3 1/2 years old and never have you ever met a child that more perfectly fits the characteristics and stereotypes of a typical three year old girl. Sis has sass and opinions and emotions and goals, all of which exceed beyond her little body in an explosion of true toddler drama. 

Cover your ears and strap on a seat belt because IVY IS DRIVING!

Ivy at 3 1/2 Years
Weight: ?? (30 lbs. at 3 years) 
Height: ?? (36 inches at 3 years)
Personality: Unicorn

We began seeing hints of that threenager attitude beginning around Ivy's birthday but in the last few months it has really ramped up. Ivy's personality is shooting out like a rogue rocket. Whereas she was a mellow and easy going little two-year-old, she is now an opinionated and exuberant child. She decides what she's eating. She decides what she's wearing. She decides what she's getting. Period. If not, it's a whole lot of this:

It's funny in picture form but very loud in real life. Sweet girl is just navigating the world and her place in it and that involves a lot of growing pains. BUT, when she's not upset, she is genuinely the sweetest thing. Hugs and snuggles all the time and the most complimentary little soul, always willing to let you know she loves you and she loves what you're wearing!

She is in her girly pink and unicorn era and wants to wear exclusively pink AND unicorns. She will no longer let us pick her clothes and will only occasionally allow us to help her coordinate an appropriate outfit preferably if there is a unicorn on at least one article of clothing.

Milestones of age 3 1/2
Final molar
Car seat flipped to face forward
Jumping feet off the ground 
Genuine fear of thunder
Genuine fear of dark
Swimming lessons
Ninja gym class
Dropped naps

Ivy has opinions about sleep and that is "I wanna wake up." This is what she says when she is supposed to be in bed or supposed to be sleeping. She does not like sleeping alone and so Dan and I trade off who sleeps on the trundle bed in her room every night. Trust me, it's just better for everyone to lean into this demand. No one wants an inevitable fit at 2 am. We concede and tell ourselves, this won't last forever. So long as she has her unicorn night light, star twinkle lights, star projector light, 9,000 stuffed animals + 2,000 unicorn stuffed animals, and sound machine on, and one of us on the floor beside her, she sleep pretty well. We dropped naps about a month ago because it was taking her 2 hours to fall asleep at night. Dropping that nap has resulted in a more cranky than normal Ivy but the flip side is it takes her only 5 minutes to fall asleep at night. She goes to bed around 7 pm and wakes up between 6-7 am. She still uses pacifiers at night but is fully aware that at age 3 1/2 we start waiting for the paci fairy to come and take them away. Lord help us.

Ivy is still our picky eater with a limited palate and a preference for fruits and snacks. If she sees what is on her plate and doesn't like it, she will flop over and cry "I DON'T LOVE THAT!!" Never mind whether she's ever tried it to know that she does, in fact, not like it. She does like dry cereal, plain waffles, pink frosted donuts, juice boxes, cheese sticks, yogurt drinks, sandwiches cut like tiny flowers or hearts, chips, goldfish, crackers, popcorn, fruit snacks, gummies, M&Ms, Popsicles, Kraft mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, meatballs, and fish sticks. That's about it. Typical toddler diet.

Ivy loves unicorns. She loves stuffy friends. She loves playing with magnatiles and building with Duplo Legos. She likes monster trucks and matchbox cars and anything else Kip shows an interest in. She likes the play kitchen, she loves to color (in the lines!) and still adores stickers. So far she isn't into dolls much and has a weird aversion to things with fake hair (like Barbies). She likes play make-up and real make-up and accessories and jewelry. Oh, and did I mention...she loves unicorns.
Ivy loves playing outside, bubbles, chalk, and riding her bike. She likes swings and slides and climbing. She is getting faster at running and learning to master jumping unassisted. She is a tiny little pixie pie that tries her best to keep up.  

She loves snuggling with me, building with Dan, playing with Kippy, and going shopping with Mimi.

Ivy is fantastic at communicating. She uses her voice to advocate for her wants and needs. She has no trouble talking to us and Kip and while she is still shy around other kids, she is great at talking to other adults. She enjoys talking about Storybook Land, she loves sharing specific memories, she repeats things she hears other people saying. She likes asking about the weather and if rain is expected. She tells us when she doesn't like something and she gushes when she loves something. 

Things to Remember about Ivy at age 3 1/2 
Applying make-up
"I IS!" said emphatically 
"belly back" (piggy back ride) 
First time bowling
Thumbs up and peace sign
Sticker stories about "3-4-5"
"Mega tiles" (magna tiles)
First trip into Manhattan
First time on a water slide
First time riding/ "driving" the tractor
First time fishing/catching a fish
The way she eats a donut face first
HKRS running series
Super opinionated about clothes
Unicorn and pink obsessed
First time in Sunday school solo
"I don't love ____"
Mega moods and threenager attitude
Ninja gym class

I love being able to look back on Kip's post from the same age. He was a handful at age 3 1/2 as well. Ivy brings a different type of drama, but on the whole it is comforting to know that all of this is very typical behavior for this age and very likely to mellow down in time. For now, we'll try our best to comfort and manage the spice. And may the spirit of the unicorns guide us in the right direction! Bless.

Happy 3 1/2 little Ivy May!

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