May 17, 2023

Ivy || 3 Years Old

Our little Ivy May is three years old today!! 
Ivy at 3 Years
Weight: 30 lbs. (26 lbs. at 2 years) 
Height: 36 inches (35 inches at 2 years)
Personality: Sweet, shy, imaginative

In the last six months, Ivy has started coming out of her shell, bit by bit. She has warmed-up to family members and we had memorable visits with Poppa, Aunt Jagee, Grandma, and Aunt Judy. Ivy is socializing well with the adults at her PT sessions, enjoys attending Sunday School with Kip, and she even plays with other kids on occasion when she feels comfortable. As a pandemic-baby with an always shy disposition, I'm really happy with Ivy's social progress lately. 

In the last couple of weeks, Ivy is showing her three-year-old self and meeting every expectation of the independent spirit of a three-nager rising. She has strong opinions, huge emotions, and a need for everyone around her to know it, feel it, and respond to it. NOW! Watch out world, Ivy is three!

Milestones for Ivy by age 3,
Fully, potty trained (still some stubborn moments with #2 but no accidents)
2 year old molars (her last one has still yet to erupt)
Frenectomy (she still has her endearing gappy grin but it will correct itself when she looses her baby teeth)
First movie at a theater

For all the agony of her infant year, Ivy is a dream sleeper now for the most part. She still naps once a day from around 10:30 - 12:30. Occasionally she will protest and refuse to nap but the majority of the time she does sleep. Ivy goes to bed between 6:30/7 pm. We do brushing and floosing teeth, a couple of books, a song, and then she snuggles into her big girl bed and goes to sleep. She has a star projector night light, a sound machine, and exactly four pacifiers. She sucks on one paci and then holds one in each hand and clacks them around before falling asleep. You can hear her clacking the pacis in the monitor while she self-soothes to sleep. The fourth paci is a swap out in case one falls off the bed. She does not get out of bed until her OK to Wake clock turns on at 6 am. She is an early bird and always gets up before 6:30 am. She likes to watch a show in mom and dad's room first thing but is generally ravenous and wants breakfast right away.

Ivy remains true to her picky eating habits. She enjoys yogurt drinks, cereal, or a waffle for breakfast. Endless snacks of granola bars, yogurt melts, dried fruit, and juice for morning grazing. She tends to either not eat lunch at all or just a few bites of a tiny sandwich and maybe an applesauce pouch. She enjoys a Popsicle at "Coffee O'clock" and goldfish or crackers for afternoon snack. She enjoys grape Gatorade because Kip does and she will eat as many Popsicles as you are willing to give her. She often  claims her belly is full unless you are offering sugar of any variety. She has the biggest sweet tooth and never turns down a gummy. Dinner is hit or miss. Ivy's favorite is chicken nuggets, fish sticks, or Mandy's Swedish meatballs. She eats copious helpings of fruit but only eats a bite or two of anything else offered. We always serve her exactly what everyone else is eating and she will brave a bite or two of most things but that's about it. All we can do is trust that she knows what her hunger level is and not force her to eat our expectations. Kip was especially picky around age 3 so I expect this will be her pattern for awhile.

Ivy is hands-down amazing at play. She has such a huge imagination and engages with so many toys in a variety of ways. She loves monster trucks, Hot Wheel City, and trains just like Kip does but she is also really into the play kitchen and making scenes with all sorts of toys. She does pretend play with stuffed animals and her doll houses and adores dress-up. She is a nurturer and care taker at heart but tries her best to be rough and tumble as well. She loves to swing at the playground and run around outside with Kip. She has a timid spirit but loves the idea of adventure, its just all about working up her confidence.

Ivy communicates off the charts. She participates in full conversations and initiates conversation as well. At home, Ivy has no hesitation talking. She is more timid in public or with strangers but she does not have trouble advocating for herself and appears to have no limit to her growing vocabulary. She loves to sing as well and has easily memorized songs and will sing to herself. She expresses herself with great emotion and expressiveness which is absolutely adorable.

Things I want to remember about Ivy at age 3:
Developing fashion sense
Terrified of Santa but okay with the Easter Bunny
Obsessed with Cheddar Chex mix
Loves the movie Home
Loves red Doritos
Sleeping with Mom's pink shirt
Obsession with the live-action Aladdin and singing along
Collecting tiny treasures
Her Putty play and her little perch
Love of the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and obsession with Oompa Loompas
Pacifier clacking
Play scenes with Pink Bear
Watching cake videos on Instagram
Helping herself to her candy basket at all hours of the day
Funny phrases:
"tie-bow" (bow tie)
"america round" (merry-go-round)
"upside downtown" (upside down)
"I come too"
"You sleep in my room?"
"Movie fever" (movie theater)
"Humpster" (hamster)

Words will always fail to truly describe the way this girl captured my heart from the moment she was born. She burst into our world during such a moment of anxiety and stress, a whirlwind of fear and unknown. Having an early pandemic baby was no joke, but, Ivy filled my soul with peace from the second I finally held her in my arms. Her peace continues to pour into all of our lives and her abundant sweet soul hold us all together. We love her infinitely.
Happy third birthday sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. Ivy is a blessing to all of us. Happy Birthday sweet girl!!
