May 9, 2023

Soccer Star

Kip started soccer two weeks ago at the park by our house. 

He is loving it and is actually surprisingly good for having had zero instruction ahead of starting. We were all a bit shocked when he took off kicking the ball and keeping up with it and getting into the little cluster of kids all going for the steal. It's a very organized league so unlike basketball, he is getting lots of play time and legitimate instruction. 

We've had a prolonged and wet cold snap here so both practices have been frigid and  the first weekend of games was canceled due to rain. 

But, this past Saturday was gorgeous and Kip got to play his first games. They do "festival style" which I guess is two 20 minute games of 4x4 and they switch the players around teams for an even match. The first game was chaos and then they split everyone and did four simultaneous games of 3x3.

Keep an eye out for the blonde pipsqueak in jersey #1

They make the parents watch from outside the fence line. I suppose it keeps the sideline coaching to a minimum but it does make getting good photos a bit hard.

In the last game Kip scored a goal! He had a blast but was totally exhausted afterwards and in desperate need of a nap (which he refused) the rest of the day. I'm super glad the games are pretty much in our backyard so it was a quick walk home. 

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