December 19, 2022

Weekending it

New week. New virus. 

It is definitely a weary world over here, and no rejoicing. I had a minor mental breakdown on Saturday night when Kip woke up with a croupy cough and tears. And since the universe likes to jab me, I dropped a lid down the shower drain while I was trying to recaulk our shower at 11 PM and then screamed at Dan for not helping me. It was a real low point which I regret. We are all just so tired of so much sickness and it's not like we aren't trying to do what we can to stay healthy. We still wear masks while indoors, Dan, Mandy and I all wear masks when we go to work, the kids are forced to wash their hands excessively, they take vitamins and immune support, they sleep 10-12 hours a night. We eat relatively healthy and stay active. It doesn't matter. Kids get sick.

Most schools are out for winter break already but we still have a full week left which means more sick absences for Kip. Hopefully he will be better enough in time for his class party on Friday which I've spent a small fortune on and our guests arrive Friday as well. I really want to enjoy this season as much as possible and I think we've done our best trying to balance getting back to life mid-pandemic while taking direct hits from every virus circulating at school right now. It's exhausting.

This weekend, before Kip started feeling sick, we took the kids to the garden center to see the winter wonderland and Santa. We went here last year and it was just as sweet. 

This Santa was not as chatty as the real Santa at Storybook Land, but not having to be near him was much more comfortable for Ivy.

We walked through the store and then went back through the displays and saw Santa again since it wasn't crowded.

I am grateful we've at least managed to do some fun stuff in between these sicknesses which never give us more than 5-7 days between each other. Summer save us!!

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