September 7, 2022

Kindergarten Kip

Yesterday was Kippy's first day of Kindergarten!!!!

Smart Aunt Mandy looked at the weather on Monday and realized it was supposed to rain ALL day on Tuesday, so we convinced Kip to put on his first day outfit and take his porch picture a day early for the small price of 6 sour patch kids at 9 AM. I'm so glad we did this because Tuesday poured rain all day.

Kip was nervous for Kindergarten most of summer and talked about not wanting to go back to school. But, after the orientation at the end of August he turned his mood around and was very excited to start. He was eager to get in the door on the first day - no tears, no stalling, no looking back to wave. We were not able to escort him inside this year so that bummed me out but it helped me to know he felt confident and ready.

Mandy made Kip a menu to pick from every day and I got to pack his lunch for the first day. He picked homemade lunchable. It was really fun to make. He said he didn't have enough time to eat so he only ate the meat and crackers.

Kip's teacher is using a photo sharing app to send photos throughout the day. I'm SO GLAD she does this as I know it is not expected of her but means so much to us parents. Look at my little guy! Ugh, my heart.
He had a pretty great day but was a ball of nerves this morning at drop off. I hope the excitement didn't wear off already or it's going to be a LONG year.

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