November 9, 2021

Weekending it

Happy Tuesday! How did you fare the time change? We did absolutely NO prep for the kids and some sort of magic happened and they BOTH slept-in on Sunday. I was thoroughly confused when Kip came into our room at what felt like 7 AM. He RARELY ever sleeps past 6 AM so this was a shock as Dan and I both expected a 5 AM wake-up call. Ivy slept past 7 too and I frantically checked the monitor when I woke up, concerned something was wrong.  

Monday morning Kip came into our room at 5:20 which wasn't bad considering and now Dan and I don't have to commute in the dark in the morning although it is a sunset ferry ride home.

The weekend felt incredibly long over here since Kip had four "house days." That's what he calls it when he doesn't have to go to school. There was a NJ teachers conference thing on Thursday and Friday last week so Kip had a couple of days off. 

We introduced Kip to Beauty and the Beast and he wanted to squeeze into Ivy's 2T dress. There was a lot of costume play happening post Halloween.

This weekend we did our typical weekend chores of cleaning and laundry, hit-up the field for some play, and squeezed in some quick family photos.

It's funny, we used to drive all the way to beautiful Boscobel for photos and we've finally come to a point where we know that's just not worth the hassle. We got in coordinated outfits and walked over to the park. Mandy snapped some photos for less than 2 minutes while Kip protested the entire time, and somehow we managed one or two semi-decent shots coming to a Christmas card near you soon. Small victories.

I finished Christmas shopping for the kids with a combo of surprising grocery store finds and Amazon. All these stock and shipping issues are baffling and I felt pressured to get a start on Christmas shopping because of all the warnings about delays. Turns out, that was for nothing as everything I ordered came in less than 24 hours. Meanwhile, the towel bars I ordered for our bathroom won't arrive until December 19. What gives? I'll probably pick-up some tiny stocking stuffer type things here and there and surely some unexpected items will land in my cart between now and December 25. But, at least the kids are done. Now, onto the extended family.

Dan and I spent a good bit of nights last week painting our bathroom. We are trying to SLOWLY make progress on that dang renovation. It took two coats of paint+ primer to cover the dark tan walls and we're still only half done. We need to paint the ceiling and do a lot of trim touch-ups. I'm hoping to get in contact with some sort of contractor this week with availability to give us a quote for replacing the floor. Trying not to get down on the process and just take baby steps to get it done. HOW do DIYers do it????? Everything we do gets riddled with issues.

Today is unseasonably warm and I have no complaints about that!

1 comment:

  1. I completed my kids' Christmas shopping early too! Hopefully this means I'll fully enjoy the holiday season (and also, hopefully not buy too many more things!).
