November 1, 2021

Snip-its of School - Halloween Party

Kip had his first ever classroom holiday party on Friday and it occurred to me that it was the first "party" he has attended in, um, like two years? Plus, the handful of small birthday parties he attended when he was younger were long since gone from his memory. The idea of a party, plus costumes, plus school was all very overwhelming for him. Also, it was my first time acting as Class Parent (formerly known as room mom). It was a big day for the both of us!

We dropped  Kip off in the morning in his Engine Number 9 costume. He was completely not himself. Very nervous and anxious. He started to warm-up a bit once he saw other kids in costumes.

I took the day off of work so I could fully participate in the day. I got into my ice cream costume and gathered all my supplies we had assembled for the class party. 

I got to go into the school and into Kip's classroom around 10:15. Fortunately, I had help. A few weeks back, I recruited another mom to join as Class Parent. She lives 5 minutes away from us and her daughter and Kip at cute little buds. They are also former Brooklyn residents as well! She and I had very little time to set everything up while the kids were in the room. Then they left to go outside for the costume parade. It was very cold and windy on Friday and the Pre-K classes only walked about a quarter of a block from one door to the next so it was done in about 3 minutes. Kip was line leader this week (fitting since he was an Engine train) but he was so nervous that his teacher had to essentially drag him along. 
Dan, Mandy, and Ivy were outside to see the parade.

When the kids returned to the class we had them decorate little canvas trick-or-treat tote bags.

Then they got to decorate a rice cake with orange frosting and candies like a jack-o-lantern and eat it as their snack/part of their lunch. 

At the end we had the kids rotate through a few games. 

We weren't really sure how much time we had for the party since it was only a half day of school and we got some mixed messages from the PTO but we ended up being able to stay for almost two hours and help get the kids out the door. All the parents were really generous with donating snacks and items for goodie bags and we stuffed these bags full of fun stuff for each kid to take home.

Overall, everything went really well. I had fun. It was great to be inside Kip's class with him and all the kids seemed to have a good time. Hopefully Kip will be less overwhelmed at parties in the future and be able to enjoy himself a bit more.

That afternoon, Mandy and I took Kip for his dental check-up. All good reports. It was a happy Friday.

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