November 3, 2021

Halloween Cuties

This Halloween was SO much fun. Kip is old enough to really understand the event and Ivy was SO adorable and really quite confident in her costume. Both of them were excited and I think doing the trunk-or-treat a couple of weeks before really helped with any nervousness. They both had a blast.

We went to our next door neighbors first and they are so sweet with the kids. They each gave them a gift bag full of big candy boxes and Pez. Surprisingly, Kip really liked the Pez.

The weather was absolutely perfect for trick-or-treating and Kip couldn't wait for his little friend to come over so they could get started. They were so cute running from house to house and trading off tantrums over who got to push the doorbell. And little Ivy did her best to keep up. 

They both had a blast and lasted about an hour. We came back home to mummy dogs and tater tots for dinner and once the kids were in bed we sorted the loot.

Mandy passed out candy at our house while Dan and I took the kids trick-or-treating. She was disappointed that more kids didn't come to our house. Next year we might have to set-up something in the driveway to be more enticing. Overall, a fun night and good memories

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had got a lot of good candy and trinkets. They look adorable in their costumes.
