August 4, 2021


Apologies for the unexplained absence. Last week was a bit chaotic and I simply did not have time to provide an update.

Dan's father, my Allen-Dad, and Kip and Ivy's beloved Grandpa passed away after a very courageous battle with an aggressive form of cancer. It was unexpected and tragic. Please continue to pray for Dan's family and especially Terri Mom as she and all of us deal with this loss. 

Even in these difficult moments, I am grateful for many things. First, that Dan was able to see his Dad earlier in the month when he was doing relatively well. They shared good moments together during that time. Second, that Dan was able to see his Dad again before his passing and be with him as he passed. Third, we all had a wonderful visit with Grandpa and Grandma in May when we had blissful ignorance about the future and shared many happy memories with the kids. Fourth, we are in the summer of 2021 and not 2020. Despite the current direction of the pandemic, this timing allowed for safer travel and manageable circumstances allowing family to visit in the hospital. Fifth, for the technology that kept us all connected during this past year and month. 

And I am grateful for photos. People scoff and say it's annoying or the kids don't cooperate or there is always someone with their eyes closed. It doesn't matter! Take the photos!! Every time you are with loved ones, snap a picture. Who cares if you think you look bad? It's not for you. It's for your family. Every photo turns to gold when life is gone and all that remains are the pictures and the memories for everyone else to hold on to.

We miss you Grandpa and we look forward to the day when we can see you again in heaven.

Last week I came across something at work that spoke powerfully to me and helped me to remember the bigger picture in life. Every day the little things take us away, stress us out, and wear us down; but if we can somehow remind ourselves of what is really important, life is less a burden and more a treasure.

I'm copying the text I found below but I do not take credit for the original writing of these words: 

•    Don’t run from your grief. Run towards it. Tap that energy to climb any mountain and deal with any setbacks.
•    Life is short and the expiration date is known to nobody. Take ownership and responsibility for your own goals and dreams. Avoid the victim mentality. Add some sense of urgency to things that matter most to you.
•    Learn to say no. If need be, walk away from toxic situations.
•    Servant leadership. Turn your focus to helping others.
•    Practice gratitude daily.
•    Be empathetic to family, friends and work colleagues. You never know what is really going on inside somebody’s life.
•    Forgiveness. The twelve greatest words in the English language are: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” If you do not let go of hate, you are going nowhere fast. Get rid of that baggage as soon as possible.
•    Comparison is the source of all unhappiness in life. Do not compare yourself or your circumstances with anybody. Each of us is a unique strand in the mystery of life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so very sorry for your and Dan's loss. Sending lots of prayers for you guys.
