June 1, 2021

Weekending it

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!! Ours felt extra long simply because the weather was completely miserable on Saturday and Sunday. It poured rain both days with almost not break, zero sunshine, and it was cold too!! We have a little robin nest in our yard and that poor mama birdie sat on those baby birds for two days straight getting pelted with cold rain. Ugh! Motherhood, amiright? 

Because of the weather, we spent both days inside. We watched train shows, wrestled, tried water beads, got a delivery of caterpillars, made messes, and ate french fries.

Monday the sun came out in the afternoon and we whisked the kids outside immediately. A really sweet kid at the park let Kip sit in his "army truck" and ride it for a bit. Of course, Kip hasn't stopped talking about it since.

Our next door neighbors invited us all over for a barbecue Monday afternoon which was really nice. It was the first time we've really had the chance to get to talk with our neighbors for any extended time and it was the first time we've really socialized the past year! It was a little bit of a mental hurdle to accept the invite but the event was mainly outside and everyone (except Kip and Ivy) were vaccinated. We're glad we did. Kip loved exploring their house and Ivy ate her weight in watermelon and papaya. Bonus, it took us 30 seconds to get home and put the kids to bed. 

The other major objective of the weekend was night weaning Ivy. We still have a ways to go I think but she is making progress and I'm hopeful for better sleep soon!

And now, onward to another week of work and the unofficial start of the best season of the year: SUMMER!!!!!!

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