April 29, 2020

Hospital Bag + Baby Update

Last week I finally had my first in-person OB appointment in over a month. The night before the appointment I had a minor panic that since I hadn't been examined in awhile that something would be wrong and I'd have to deliver that day.

So I packed the hospital bag that night.

The current hospital protocol is still only the partner can be present for delivery but must leave when I'm moved to recovery, so that changed some of the things I put in the bag. Here is my list:

Face/body wipes
Wet wipes - small trash bag - mask - hand sanitizer
Robe, comfortable PJs for recovery, nursing tank
Coming home outfit
3 newborn onesies
2 pacifier options
1 swaddle blanket
Book - phone charger - Kindle with movie downloaded - ear buds
Gum - Gatorade - snacks++
Towel - hair towel - flip flops
Wallet (ID, insurance card, healthcare proxy doc)
Cell phone

Change of clothes for Dan and some toiletries for him in case the delivery goes overnight.

I'm hoping I'll have a chance to shower before Dan has to leave since I remember that really helped me feel more put together after delivering Kip, so I brought a towel and flip flops and toiletries for that. And since I won't have anyone with me during recovery I packed extra snacks. I'll miss the nice bacon grilled cheese and coke my Dad brought me less than an hour after Kip was born and all the special treats and drinks Dan and Mandy delivered when I was in recovery. Missing those treats is a minor inconvenience during these times but I know I'll want some snack favorites while I'm alone.

This time around I know the hospital provides a whole bag of baby essentials and if I need a breast pump they'll supply that as well so I left all of that out of my bag this time. 

That night Mandy washed all the baby clothes and sheets just in case.

At the appointment I got a quick in-office ultrasound and found out that the baby is breech but otherwise everything looked good. Fortunately, no early delivery and we were able to go home.  But the bags are packed, just in case!

This morning I had my 36 week ultrasound at the hospital. I figured it would get canceled but since the baby was breech the week before they let me keep it. It was extremely unnerving to go to the hospital at this time. I had to get my temperature checked and enter the hospital next to a refrigerated truck (for the bodies). Dan wasn't allowed with me at all and I had so much anxiety walking in there. Fortunately the staff was really nice once I got to the office and the ultrasound went well. Baby girl turned herself this week so she is no longer breech! So grateful for that news. I didn't get an ultrasound picture to show Dan, however, because she had both her hands covering her face. Silly bug.

Going forward, I have weekly check-ups since we are in the final month. So far, I think I'll have all of those in person. The next one is tomorrow (Thursday). Tonight, I put together some thank you treat bags to give to the nurses and added those to my hospital bag too.


  1. Eeeee! I'm so excited that you're so close to meeting your sweet little girl! My heart just turned into confetti when I saw the little girl onesies you packed. Having a girl is just so much fun! I'm praying for you and the delivery process and I'm so glad your baby girl decided to turn into the right position between your appointments! :)

  2. Time is getting close! Sounds like you’re all ready. So glad she turned❤️ 😍
