June 3, 2019

Splash Pad Season

This Friday when I got home from work early, Mandy and I took Kip for a walk and to the park.

Something interesting to note, in New York City (all boroughs including Brooklyn) there are only a handful of public swimming pools. I don't really know why but those that do exist are not in the best areas and are generally overcrowded and gross. So I've heard. I've never actually been to one. Anyways, rather than public pools, most of the city parks have splash pads or some sort of water element. Honestly, I like this. While I loved going to the public pool as a kid growing up, the Splash Pad idea is so much easier to handle with a tiny child. Last summer we took Kip twice and although he wasn't even walking yet, he loved it. So we are really looking forward to this summer. I do wonder, however, what the lack of public pools does for the ability of city kids to learn to swim. I suspect the majority of kids never learn, which is terrifying.

So, the park we went to on Friday had the water feature turned on. Four little frog statues spraying water. Kip loves these frogs and he was very surprised to see the water. He walked right into them and had a great time despite the fact that the water was freezing and he was fully clothed.

Thankfully, Kip has no issues with water in his face. We dump water on his head at bath time and heavily encourage him when he doesn't flinch or cry. I wipe his face with a towel if he gets a little upset but otherwise he is unbothered. This is great for splash pads because there is a lot of spraying.

Looking forward to splash pad season and hitting up every one in our area and beyond.

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