June 24, 2019

Weekending it

Last week was really busy and I've found it hard to find the time to write blog posts but I'm still keeping at it so hang in there if you're still around.

A couple of things I wanted to share that I'm loving lately before recapping the weekend.

First, the Jonas Brothers reunion. The documentary on Prime is excellent and their new album is amazing. I admit, I wasn't a huge fan back in the day but I did like their songs.  Their new stuff is excellent. And I just really like the brotherly redemption story. Their fame is not what you think. Check it out.

Song obsessions: Jersey (not released yet), Rollercoaster (Kip loves this one), Don't Throw it Away, Comeback...okay, so they are all obsession worthy. 

Second, Songland. So I was skeptical of this show and had zero interest in watching yet another music competition show and I thought the name was lame. We don't watch a ton of TV but mostly stick with entertainment news shows and then Netflix and Amazon Prime. But last week the episode on Songland was with, you guessed it...my new obsession...the Jonas Brothers. Anyways, the show was amazing and both Dan and I really liked it. We've watched one episode and are hooked. Each week an artist gets to hear four unknown songwriters sing their original songs. Then the artist picks three and those songwriters work with the judges to craft their song to fit the artist's style. Then the artist picks a song and records it and the song is released that night. It really cool to see the songwriting process and in the end, someone's life and career is changed!

Okay, weekend recap.

On Saturday I attended an all-day writing workshop in the city and it was really inspiring. Here was the view from the classroom.

Hello Times Square in the summer!!

Dan hung out with Kippy on Saturday and they went to an old friend's house. Dan reported they had a good time.

Yesterday we got to church early so Dan could help with set-up. Kip and I met-up with friends at the school yard and played in the blistering heat. He was really into digging and making it impossible for me to hold and/or finish any kind of conversation with the other moms. Erggh!

Kip graced us with a 40 minute nap and then ran around the rest of the time. This morning he woke up at 4:15 AM and now has a cold. Boo. He's had a really pretty healthy year so of course he gets sick the week we are going to head to visit family. Hopefully he will be better by Saturday.

I'll try to sneak in more posts this week. Happy Monday!

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