January 10, 2018

Kippy || 5 Months Old

Today, Kippy turns 5 months old!! The holiday season zipped right by but his 4 month update feels like forever ago.
Kipling at Five Months
Weight:  15-16 lbs? not sure since there is no well-check this month  (14 lbs. 4 oz. last month)
Height:  26 in? not sure since there is no well-check this month  (25.5 inches last month)
Personality: sweet and curious

When Mandy walks in the door and says "It's Mimi day" in a really high pitched voice. Kippy lights up!
Chilling with Dad and "watching" football
When Mom sings
Still adores bath time
Starting to like books
Turkey, his elephant toy
Toothpick, his teddy bear
The kitchen. We rarely take him in there so whenever we do he stops fussing immediately.

Rock-n-play (we had to retire it to storage)
Being put down for a nap too soon or too late
Being forced to snuggle (I will break him of this!! He will snuggle with me!!!)

Size 3 diapers (moved him up today because of too many blowout issues)
6 month clothing (some 6-9 month sizes in a few brands)

Things I want to remember about Kippy at five months old:
The way you chill with Daddy on the couch. When I sit with you, you're always smashing your head into my chest looking to eat, but with Dad, you'll hang out.
How you get your pouty face when you realize I'm putting you in the crib for a nap. It takes you a few moments to work-up a cry.
Tears on your cheeks.
How excited you get when I put you on the floor in the bathroom. You've started anticipating bath time.
When you put your hand to cover your face when nursing.
Our quiet nursing session in the morning. Just you and me. You get so distracted at the other feeds.
You're little bashful grin.
How flipping excited you got when you realized we were back at home after returning from Colorado. I've never seen you so excited.
The way you've started snuggling with your teddy bear, Toothpick.
Your overtired giggles. You get a little slap happy by the end of the day when we are trying to keep you awake until bedtime.
Your wrist roll and chubby toes.
Your blonde fuzz hair growing back.

At five months, you started sitting up (or at least independently attempting), rolling over (just a few times so far), and playing with your feet! You had your first trip to Colorado and your first Christmas! Your newest trick is putting the pacifier back in your mouth if you have it positioned in your hand already. Can't wait for you to find it in the night and help yourself back to sleep. You also rolled from back to tummy once, we didn't see it but heard and saw the aftermath. You transitioned to your crib and own room at night. And I'm too scared to count on it, but you've started napping slightly better. Your personality is really starting to blossom and it's such a joy to witness.

Kippy still sleeps well at night. He goes down around 5-6 pm and he gets up around 5-6:30 am for his first feed. I haven't nursed him at night since around 5 weeks old when he started sleeping through the night. At 4 months, Kippy started rousing multiple times in the night and either smacks his legs and feet down on the mattress repeatedly to get our attention or will chatter and coo until we put the pacifier back in his mouth. We don't get him up but just keep inserting the pacifier until he falls back to sleep. I'm hoping this regression will fade and he will go back to solid sleep. After returning from Colorado, we transitioned him into the crib in his room. More on this later. I desperately miss having him next to me in the pack-n-play but we agreed the transition needed to happen before he reached a point to protest it. He also no longer wears the arms free swaddle.

His naps are still sporadic and inconsistent. He seems to be doing a little better so maybe his sleep regression is fading? Fingers crossed.

Kippy nurses just once a day now on the days I'm at work (Tues-Fri now). And gets 4, 5 oz bottles the rest of the day. On these days, I pump about 25-30 oz. which is still an oversupply since I only need 20 oz for his daily bottles but it was 40 oz., so the oversupply is dropping. Before our trip to Colorado, I cut my morning pump. I had been pumping at 5 am to take off some of the foremilk before nursing Kip since the oversupply gave him green diapers. But, no matter what he was still taking too much foremilk. The pediatrician assured me it wasn't a problem for him and to not worry about the color of his diaper. So I cut that morning pump and I'm really happy about it. I'm still engorged in the morning and uncomfortable but it's a relief not to have to do that pump. My supply seemed to drop when we got home from Christmas and I'm not sure if that is because I am basically an exclusive pumper again or if it is because Kip dropped the amount he was taking-in while we were traveling and therefore my overall supply dropped. Who knows. I still do my 10 pm pump but I hope to cut that after he turns 6 months old.

On my days off (Sat-Mon) I nurse Kip on demand but try to keep a three hour schedule. I estimate he takes about 25-27 oz. total a day.

The pediatrician said we can start giving him "tastes" of food like a little finger of sauces but no real solids yet. I gave him a taste of avocado and Mandy gave him a taste of applesauce but we haven't started anything routinely. I really need to start this soon. I'm hoping to approach feeding really causally but I'm nervous.

Kippy is FINALLY starting to play. He will grasp toys and move them in his hands and put them in his mouth. He loves his jumper gym and has started attempting to pull himself up to sit if we have him laying back. He pretty much hates the rock-n-play now but we brought back the second hand chair my parents had at their place and he likes that. It's essentially the same as a rock-n-play (rocks and vibrates) but he is more upright as opposed to laying back. We do tummy time and he has rolled over but it's independent or consistent yet. He has started grabbing books or trying to get his hands on whatever we are holding (like phone or remote). I'm trying to get him attached to the little teddy bear we got him and he is starting to snuggle with him. He also loves his elephant chew toy thing my mom got him and his baby doll from Dan's mom.

I love you Mr. Kippy. You're my sweetest little man.

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