November 13, 2017

Weekending it

This past weekend Auntie Jessy came to visit!!

She arrived early Friday morning before I left for work and she spent the day with Kippy and Mandy.

On Saturday we drove to Mandy's apartment in New Jersey. Went to Costco, got lunch at Chick-fil-a, and hung out before heading back to Brooklyn.

It was super special for Jessy's trip to align with Kippy's dedication at church. Both my sisters were in attendance and Dan's two cousins came too. We all had our "sisters." I regret that we didn't get pictures with all of us together.

Kippy was looking super cute in his suspenders outfit from Mandy. Another regret, this was the only photo I got of him in it. The rest of the morning was a hot mess.

There were three other babies being dedicated and as luck would have it, Kippy was the ONLY fussy baby. In his defense, it was really hot up in front and the dedication took a long time. Unfortunately, I was too stressed and worried about him being a distraction that I didn't really pay attention to what was being said. I regret that too. I almost left midway through because Kip was fussing so much.

Each family wrote and read a little letter for their child and the congregation prayed over the babies. Jessy and Mandy took pictures and video.

Afterwards I took Kip out of the service, stripped him down, and fed him. He was happy about that. Sigh.

I was upset it didn't go as I wanted it to and that I didn't think to get better pictures of him, or all of us together, or one with our family in attendance. It's hard to capture all these firsts plus special moments. Nothing I can do about it now, though, so moving on.

Cute pic of Kip with a few of his friends!!

We went out for lunch afterwards and then grocery shopping at Trader Joes. We had a nice afternoon with Jessy and then she left that evening.

Overall, it was a fun weekend despite my regrets.

Can you believe Thanksgiving is next weekend? What in the world!!!

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