November 10, 2017

Kippy || 3 Months Old

Today, November 10th, Kippy turns three months old! He seems SO big now and when I look at pictures from his first few weeks, I can't even remember him that tiny :o(. We feel like we hit a groove with some things but each day he grows and changes and we have to adapt to his new needs and desires. Nothing is predictable. Parenting lesson #1.

Kipling at Three Months
Weight:  13 lbs. 8 oz.  (11 lbs. 1 oz. last month)
Height:  25 inches (23.9 inches last month)
Personality: still feisty and sweet


This month was marked with a roller coaster of breastfeeding issues. We met with the Lactation Consultant three separate times, countless texted questions, blood work, and everything in between. I think, at this point, I just have to accept where we are is where we will be. Both Kip and I have to compromise some level of comfort and just get used to it. But, things are definitely better than they were so we have to focus on that. 

Being held, all the time
Laying on his back and kicking around
Getting to take a nap on someone (rather than his crib)
Crib mobile
Stroller and car rides
Bath time

Being left alone in a room
Starting to dislike the Rock N Play (he'd rather be held)
Anything on his face
Getting a diaper change before a bottle first thing in the morning

Size 2 diapers (just moved him up yesterday)
3-6 month clothing (depending on brand)
Wearing the transitional Swaddle Up for bedtime

Things I want to remember about Kippy at three months old:
The way you rip yourself off of my breast when something startles you while nursing. It hurts like crazy but your surprised face and the way you hold your head up and look around is hilarious.
Your little chubby cheeks and double chin.
How you flail your arms and legs wildly when laying on your back.
The way you feel like a potato sack after a GOOD nursing session.
When you hold onto a shoulder while being held.
Your peach fuzz hair growing back in.
When you bounce your legs up and down in the middle of the night and somehow rotate your whole body 180 degrees.
The way you stick your arm up in the air and stare at it intently. 

At three months, you've had your first Halloween, met Santa (reveal later), gone on many car rides, taken a trip "upstate," experienced cold weather for the first time, worn shoes for the first time, saw your first NYC Marathon, and endured your first time change. Woof. It's been a fun but fast third month of life. We are super excited to enjoy the holiday season with you and anxious to see how you handle the airplane and meeting loads of new family later this month.

Kippy is still sleeping well at night. Goes down around 7 pm and wakes up between 4:30 and 6 am, usually around 5:30 am. He still doesn't sleep consistently during the day. It's entirely variable and unpredictable. Some days he may only sleep 30 minutes here and there and other days he takes 2 hour naps. Nothing seems to help cue him for a nap even though Dan, Mandy, and I have all tried repeating a nap time routine every day. We'll keep trying. It's not the end of the world but it would be nice to have some guaranteed time during the day to get things done.

Sigh. Still have an oversupply. Still struggling with nursing. This too, is variable. Some days are great, some days are terrible. Even though the Lactation Consultant doesn't think my supply with regulate, I am more comfortable with less engorgement and less leaking. YAY! Kippy nurses 1-2 times before I leave for work and then has 4, 4 oz bottles during the day. Then I nurse him when I get home from work. This last feed isn't a full feed since he is so tired by that point.

Kippy is starting to desire interaction during the day. He is no longer content to just sit in his Rock N Play. He wants to be where the people are and fusses if he is left alone in a room. He smiles and makes noises and faces when we catch his attention and responds to our voices. He is discovering his hands and will hold things when purposely placed in his hands. He loves being flat on his back and kicking and flailing his arms. Wild man. He isn't independently grasping or laughing yet but we're getting close. He can support his head in a seated position so I'm hoping to get him a little play gym or bouncer soon. Recently he started sticking his arm up in the air and staring at it, which apparently is entertaining to him. And I got him to splash in the tub a bit the other night.

 Love you sooooo much little sugar lump. 

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