July 12, 2017

June Napkin Notes

My June stash of Napkin Notes from Dan:

My Favorite:

I don't deserve him. He is far too sweet to me.

A few weeks ago I was messaging with a woman on Facebook after connecting with her on a mom's group. We are total strangers but she was asking for advice about her relationship and I suggested she look into marriage counseling and offered to recommend the counselor Dan and I see on occasion. As we were private messaging for awhile my heart just broke for her and her situation. The way she said she was being treated by her partner was just horrendous and I felt so sad for her and so guilty at the same time because I realized how blessed I am to have such a loving and supportive spouse in Dan.

Dan would never, in a million years, even think about treating me the way this woman is being treated. I appreciate the moments that God takes me out of my self-absorbed bubble and I see my life from a different perspective. I'm incredibly grateful for how well he loves me and only hope I can be half of the servant lover he is to me.

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