February 6, 2017

Weekending it

Another Monday. One of the many reasons why winter (post holidays) is not my favorite is because the days just roll by with next to nothing to show for them. In the summertime we still go to work and do our usual routine but then we DO stuff too. Like go for a walk after dinner, or go grab ice cream, or stay in the city and explore.

In the winter I have only enough energy to drag myself home from work on a crowded train and inhale dinner before binge watching something on TV. I feel so lazy and yet I don't care enough to change anything about it.

This weekend we decided to go out for dinner on Friday. We are being tight with our budget these days but I had nothing scheduled for dinner and we wanted to celebrate. Anything. We came in under budget last month so we felt like that deserved a treat. We met after work at our favorite local Chinese food restaurant and ordered enough to ensure leftovers for Saturday. Then we binge watched the miniseries from last year The People vs. O.J. Simpson. Very good, it's streaming on Netflix. We were both old enough to remember when this happened but too young to know the details. This series is highly interesting. Also, I read a fiction book written by Marcia Clark this past year called Blood Defense. It was a thriller law/crime procedural which I really liked.

On Saturday we headed into the city for a session that is part of this leadership program we've been participating in. We ran a few errands afterwards and then collapsed back at home. See? In the summer we would have stayed in the city and gallivanted around for hours and done something fun and memorable. Instead we took subway naps followed by TV naps. Saturday night I did go through all my drawers and closet and purged a TON of stuff. These were the questions I asked myself, 1) do you like this? 2) does it look good on you? (all small stuff and things no longer appropriate for a 30 year old got tossed here) and 3) do you feel good in it? If I feel frumpy in it, why am I keeping it?

I had two large garbage bags to donate, one smaller bag to have a friend pick through, and one tiny bag of things I think Mandy might like. It felt very refreshing to get rid of all of that.

On Sunday we had church and it was my second time serving on the ministry team I joined. This church provides brunch every week so the brunch team helps set-up, cook the meal, and then do the dishes. Little known secret about me, I love washing dishes so this is a great team for me. It's only once a month but I like being able to get to know people better through dish soap. We feel like we are clicking pretty well at this new church and settling into a new routine. This happened a lot sooner than we expected so that's happy.

We didn't go anywhere or host anything for the Super Bowl this year. I made chili mac with a side of chips and queso and gave Dan the night off of weekend chores to watch the entire game.

I only watched the coin toss and half-time show. I thought Lady Gaga did a great job and I was very impressed with the light spectacle from the audience on the field. So much coordination!

We were NOT happy about the outcome of the game.

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