January 20, 2017

Peeks from the Week

I think during the winter our lives become dramatically boring and yet more exhausting at the same time. Truly, the lack of sunshine really withers my soul.

I am grateful for every week that is only four work days. On Monday I cleaned the entire apartment which included vacuuming under the dressers and conducting a 20 minute science experiment with baking soda and vinegar on the the bathroom sink. I also made a batch of the Pioneer Woman's baked ziti which I split into two pans and stuck in the freezer for the future. It was a productive day which was strangely relaxing.

Also this week I splurged and got a bundle set of the Pioneer Woman's first two cookbooks (they were 50% off) bringing my total to four. Oddly, I've only ever seen one episode of her show. I just really like her cookbooks because the recipes are easy to follow, serve more than 4 (hello leftovers), and are amazingly delicious. 

This week we also reinstated our Unplug Nights. We started this last year with one night a week designated as no-devices (phones, tv, etc.). We got started late because I was flurry texting with Mandy, but eventually we got to the puzzle we got at Christmas as our unplug activity. It will make for an entertaining weekend project.

This weekend is blissfully wide open. No plans and that's my favorite.

Random question to anyone out there reading this page who also has a blog. One, do you use Google Analytics? And two, has your blog been overrun with spam bots since October? Mine went rampant (same time as the election) and it was so out of control and confusing that I paid someone to filter it for me. Just curious if anyone else experienced this. I don't run any ads on our site or sponsored posts but I can't imagine if we had what a mess that would be. Spam bots basically skew the reporting on your site to make it look like hundreds, if not thousands, of people are viewing your page when in reality its a ghost(s).


  1. Hmmm. I don't use Google analytics. And have not noticed more than my typical 5 reads on any post that I do. :)

    1. That's how I knew something was wrong. I went from my regular 5 views to 170! Umm, yeah that's not right.

  2. I love the idea of an unplug night, great idea! I also had that same puzzle in my hand at Michael's the other day but made myself put it back because I have two at home that I haven't completed yet. I have Google Analytics but I don't check it regularly, it's something I probably should be looking at more!

    1. The puzzle is great. Except it makes me crave sugary cereal.
