Our time in Kansas last week was true bliss. We arrived early Monday and immediately jetted off to the outlet mall - I think we can say it's tradition now. Terri Mom got Dan and me new shoes as early Christmas gifts and I am all set for the season as far as footwear goes. We had Chick-fil-a for lunch (oh yum) and then spent some time in heaven (a.k.a Hobby Lobby). I have a very special craft project that has been bumping around in my brain for a year and it is nearly finished! Reveal soon!
Then we headed to the house to cuddle Baby. She was really happy to see us, I think.
Terri Mom had stacks of cool craft/home magazines to look at, homemade vegetable soup for dinner, and then she introduced me to the wonders for embroidered felt ornaments!!! Look at the hedgehog ornaments she made us! So cute.
Tuesday morning we woke up to a lovely Kansas country morning.
I can't make these for him because our grocery stores do not stock the necessary dough but it's a real treat when Terri Mom makes them anyways.
Then we drove over to Grandma's house to visit for the day where we also met all the kitties!!! So cute.
On Wednesday while we waited for Dan's brother Sam to arrive we crafted!! Dan, Terri Mom, and I all made felt ornaments. Dan learned how to sew and designed his own snowman.
That evening, Dan and I took Baby for a walk around the gorgeous property.
The food was, of course, epic and I wish I had this plate sitting in front of me right now. And they all made sure I had my canned cranberries :o).

My mom sent Mandy and me a picture of this comic strip on Thanksgiving morning. Perfect!
That evening, back at Terri Mom and Allen Dad's house, Dan and I decorated the Christmas tree. This is the third year in a row that we got to decorate their tree. It's a fun tradition.
We headed back to New York on Friday morning. Fortunately the freezing rain in Kansas didn't get in the way. When we switched seats in Nashville I so happened to find two brand new magazines in the seat back pocket in front of me. Score!!
And we love this view when reentering our city. The picture below is the area over Brooklyn where we live. It's so easy to spot from the sky thanks to the bridge.
Saturday morning we slept-in, lounged around, and then decorated the apartment for Christmas!!! Full reveal on December 8th. Stay tuned.

Sunday was church. Cest la vie.
We ended the weekend with crafting, football, and dragging our sorry behinds back onto the routine bandwagon. Monday morning was here before we knew it.