September 10, 2024

Summer Bucket List Recap

We are slowly settling into the school routine here. It was nice that the first "week" was only two days and this first full week is warm and sunny - very much summer weather. We are all sad the season is changing and our long carefree days of playing and pool are over. So I might as well share our summer bucket list recap while I'm mourning. 

We hit nearly everything on the list this year and the one we missed was something Kip added and not one of our typical summer occasions. So it's okay that didn't end up happening. We were far to busy doing other stuff to fuss with hotwheel tracks.

Cape May

We got our beach vacation in the weekend before summer break even started. It was a perfect way to kick off the season and we're hoping to go for a bit longer in the future. 

Park hop in the city

Dan and I had a great little day-venture with the kids when we hopped along the playgrounds on the west side of Central Park.  

Rock N Air

Mandy and I took the kids to the Rock N Air on one of my summer Friday afternoons off from work. Kip loved it and Ivy loved to cry about it.  


We all had a blast at Legoland. It really was a fun excursion and unique and new experience for us.

Pool and Splash Pads

We lived at the pool this summer and definitely went more times then we every have before. We especially loved going in the early evening around dinner time once Dan and I got home from work. It was super simple and super fun. 

Dan and I never ended up getting to a splash pad but Mandy more than made up by taking the kids to a different one nearly every week of summer. She won the gold for that. 

Hasbro Arcade

We squeezed this one in just under the wire. It was fun to check it out but it wasn't any different than any other arcade (except the cost). We came, we saw, we are unlikely to go back.

Storybook Land

We tied our summer visit to Storybook Land into our Cape May trip and it was bliss, like always. We're looking forward to a fall visit in the next month. 


Oh camping. So many dreams. So many expectations. So much rain. But, we did it!

Kansas and Colorado

I think the kids would say our trip out west to visit family was their highlight of the summer. They really got treated to so many fun experiences and it really was a "vacation" for them. We're so grateful for all the family we got to see and time we spent making memories.


We hit our list and so much more. Frozen treats were consumed, Chuck-e-Cheese was explored many times over, birthdays were celebrated, the library was visited, tractor and lawn mowers ridden, fish were caught and eaten, fireworks were seen, Joy Jumps was melted, mini-golf was played, playgrounds were climbed, and swim lessons were accomplished. Kip learned to ride his bike (more on that later). Ivy rode a Subway for the first time. Our skin was sun-kissed and our bank account was drained. 

But we loved it. Every single second. 

So long summer! It will be an agonizing wait for your return.

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