September 2, 2024

10 Year Anniversary - Weekending in Cape May

Dan and I had wonderful and quick little overnight getaway to Cape May to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary on Friday. Can you believe it's been a whole decade? WILD!!

The weather didn't cooperate for Friday with overcast skies but we tried to make the most of it. We had a late brunch at Uncle Bill's Pancake House and then took care of our souvenir shopping in town before checking into our hotel. 

In the afternoon we got iced coffee for me and iced tea for Dan and sat together on the beach, minus the crowds and sun.

We recreated our little homey-moon heart in the sand and tossed our squished penny wedding favor into the ocean with a prayer. Little silly traditions that I love.

We had ice cream for a treat and then we went to THE Lobster House for dinner. The real deal place on the waterfront for crab cake sandwiches and fries.

In the evening we decided to take a carriage tour around sunset. It was spur of the moment and simply special. 

We grabbed candy at a gift shop and cheddar popcorn at another and sat out on the little balcony off of our room and people watched the rest of the evening. 

We slept-in the next morning and woke-up to SUNSHINE! We grabbed breakfast and enjoyed it at the beach. It was a beautiful day!

Since we only stayed one night we had to checkout and return the beach tags but we stopped in Villas on the way back and had lunch on the bay side beach that we discovered on our family trip last year. This beach has a lot more shells and pebble treasure compared to the town beach so that was the bonus. 

We were home by late afternoon on Saturday to spend the last weekend of summer together with Kip, Ivy, and Mandy. Thank you Mandy for watching the kids so we could get away for the night!

It was a simple trip with nothing really fancy, but perfect for us. We're pretty basic people and after ten years married, we're confident in what we like and not stuffy enough pretend to be anything else. 

I love you Dan, TONS AND BUNCHES. Cheers to the next ten years and decades more to come.

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