June 26, 2024

Storybook Land

Lots of families make special memories at Disney World. I love that for them. For us, our happy place is Storybook Land.

The first time we came, Kip was almost two years old. He is now almost seven. That's five years of collected memories at this special place. On our way home from Cape May we stopped at Storybook Land to ease the transition back to routine from vacation. It was only a 45 minute drive and it broke-up our drive home the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, it was HOT. Like, really hot. Storybook Land is filled with huge shady trees and there was a breeze but it was still quite intolerable. The plus side of this was it was NOT crowded at all. We never waited in line for more than a minute and hit all our favorite rides.

Kip decided to try the roller coaster again. It was too scary for him last year but this year he loved it and rode twice. It goes SO fast considering it's a kids ride. Dan was a trooper and rode it both times. It's a rough ride for our elder bodies.

Several of the rides we were the only ones on at the time.

This was Ivy's first time on Beanstalk Bounce. She loved it.

We ended up leaving a little sooner than we planned but it was just too hot. The kids fell asleep right away in the car and we lucked out with traffic and had a smooth ride home. We got back to the house by 4 pm and were unpacked and back to routine by 5 pm. 

It was a great weekend and a perfect kick-off to summer. We have a fairly open summer with only a trip to visit family booked for mid-August. The rest of the summer will be sunshine, pool, playgrounds, splash pads, and local adventures.

I hope your summer is off to a good start too, whether you're already one month in or just starting today.

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