September 6, 2024

First Day of School

Yesterday was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL and we're off to a great start.

I've been nervous about Ivy starting school since forever. She is our little shy pandemic babe and not terribly social. I learned just last week that I would not be able to accompany her into the classroom on the first day since the district shifted the policy since 2021 when Kip started. Ivy would have to walk into the school solo and have a full first day. We had prepped her all summer with the thought that I could go with her on her first day (like I did with Kip). When we heard that wouldn't happen, we consoled her with the news but letting her pick a first day gift. Kip got a Lionel on his first day of school because apparently everything is an occasion for a gift in this house. Eesh. Anyways, she focused on that anticipated toy and didn't seem to care one bit that I couldn't come to her classroom. 

To help me (more so than her) I ended up getting this cute little mom and me bracelet set which I gave to her the night before. It worked remarkably well. She was really happy to have something special and something to remind her of our love. 

I tried not to cry when I put her to bed that night. Starting school feels like such a huge milestone.

It was a relatively smooth morning which we started with a minor surprise celebration for the kids for completing their summer workbooks and participating in Mandy's summer reading program (lol). They both worked nearly every week day during the summer on their workbooks with relatively good attitudes and we ready every night. 

They each got a certificate, mini trophy, and a small toy. 

These toys ended up helping occupy their time in the morning instead of getting anxious and flustered for the start of school (mom took care of that herself). 

Both Kip and Ivy were very compliant for our porch letter board photos (always a stresser for me).

And shout-out to Kip who was tremendous with Ivy all morning, giving her attention and comfort and all kinds of tips as we headed out the door and waited for drop off.

First day drop off is always CHAOS since everyone seems to bring the whole family and kids are wailing and/or hyper. We got Kip into his line and then Dan and I took Ivy over to her door. Thank goodness, she has the same teacher Kip had so Ivy was familiar with her and marched right into the building. I was sad and worried but her confidence really helped to perk me up and be proud for how brave she was headed off into a new world. 

Dan and I didn't know what to do with the quiet empty house. We ended up going for a bike ride and took care of some chores before I got to work. In the afternoon Dan and I parked the car by the playground and got to spot Ivy with her class. Ugh, my heart. She is still so itty bitty and she was SO adorable out there making her own independent choices about what she wanted to do instead of just following Kip. When we picked her up her teacher said she had a great day and Ivy was super chatty with us while we waited for Kip to get out. She said she got sad at nap time and wanted to cry but she looked at her bracelet and remembered Mom. She ate all the lunch we packed her and she said she went potty once. She did not recall the name of anyone in her class and said she didn't make friends because no one waved at her. HA! Also, our play kitchen is "way gooder" than the play kitchen in her classroom. Lol.

Kip had a great first day as well. He has so many friends in his class including his best bud from his Pre-K class. His teacher seems really fun and has the entire classroom and schedule themed around Harry Potter. The kids earn coins throughout the week and can spend it in the classroom Honeydukes. Kip is not very familiar with Harry Potter so I sprung and got the illustrated books that I've had on my list for us to start reading this weekend so he knows what's up with all the names and activities. Apparently they all got put into their tables/houses with the sorting hat and he is in Slytherin. It should be a fun year!

After school we surprised the kids with their favorite flavors of Rita's Italian ice for snack and Ivy got to open her much anticipated first day toy (a Hatchimal tree house). 

The second day went just as well as the first and now we have the weekend to chill out and try to squeeze just a few more drops of summer.

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