September 25, 2024

Apple Picking

This is such a crazy busy season for me right now and it's not any one thing. Just a lot of little tiny stuff that requires my constant follow-up (mostly work). The blog is the first to slip off of the to-do list, so apologize for those waiting for updates.

This past weekend we went apple picking! Cooler fall weather is just now starting to peek out with consistency. Meanwhile, the trees are turning colors and the grass is dead because we've had scorching heat and no rain. 

But, alas, we have festive fun to check off our list so we sweat through our semi-fall clothes for the sake of fall photos and sweet apples.

It doesn't take long for five people to collect more than enough apples. We were at the orchard for less than an hour before purchasing our bundle and promising the kids we'd come back for pumpkins in October. We've been to several apple orchards in NJ over the years and the adults like this one the best because there isn't any of the overpriced entertainment and crowds. Just basic apples.

I'm saving the super cute family and sibling photo for the Christmas card.

We went to the kids favorite playground after the orchard and for the FIRST TIME IN SEVEN YEARS, all three adults were able to sit on a bench and just supervise the kids playing. Since Ivy started school she finally figured out how to be independent on play equipment. We no longer have to tail Kip to keep him from careening off the ledge without noticing OR being within one inch of Ivy to reassure her of our presence. We've made it ya'll and the freedom is amazing. Now, of course there were three sets of eyes following them like hawks, but not having to run around and climb and slide with them is a big step for us.

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