September 20, 2023

Summer Skills and Abilities

Back in the summer I mentioned we had the kids participate in the summer reading programs at the local libraries. It was a really challenging program requiring the kids to log 1,500 minutes to complete the program. We tried our very best but never made the goal. Kip logged 1,000 minutes and Ivy logged 500 which I was very impressed by all our efforts. And technically, combined, they finished.

As a reward we gave the kids each a small Lego set, bookmark, and a book for participating.

When we were in Kansas, Aunt Kandi gave the kids each a T-shirt and coloring bag that the Chanute library gave out for their summer reading program since technically the kids completed those goals even though they weren't in the program. Here is Ivy sporting her cute shirt and coloring her bag.

Kip also stuck it out and finished-up the majority of his bridge workbook by the end of summer. It was a struggle to get him to do the work every day but ultimately he did it and was quite pleased by the certificates and tiny trophy Mandy got him. 

I'll add, Kip has always referred to trophies as "piston cups" since that is what they call it in the movie Cars. We've never really corrected him because it is just the cutest thing ever.

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