September 14, 2023

Peeks from the Week

Phew! Busiest week of all! I've been going, going, going. Monday was the 9/11 anniversary commemoration and I had to be in the city by 6 AM which meant Dan and I had to leave the house by 4:15 AM. Fortunately the weather held for the vast part of the day and it was nice to be on the Plaza for the ceremony. 

Tuesday I was a virtual visitor for a history class at my undergrad. I was nervous but it ended up being a good conversation and I enjoyed the experience.

The first PTO meeting of the year was on Tuesday night and I am officially not a class parent this year. I am both grateful (it is a lot of time and money I really don't have) and devastated (I do LOVE being part of Kip's classroom). But, I'm placating my mom-guilt by doing my best to get more involved in larger events at the school instead of just the class parties. 

Kip is having a hard time with the transition back to school. The days are long and first grade is a lot of work in his opinion. He got kicked by another boy in his class on Wednesday so we are already having to manage those experiences as well. Breaks my heart. No shared photos from his classroom yet which bums me out but who would have time to take photos when you have 23 kids half of them are rambunctious boys in the business of bullying? Yikes!

I was in the city again today which is not my typical day to commute so that change threw our whole routine/system off and made the kids really irritable in the morning. But, my week is done and I am off Friday for some retail therapy/girls club with Mandy and Ivy.

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