June 9, 2023

Sunday School Crafts

Just some photo documentation of the crafts coming home from Sunday School. 


It's always kind of funny to me to recognize the differences between Kip and Ivy at the same age. Kip would have never had the time to stop and participate in a coloring or craftivity at age three. Whereas Ivy holds her own with confidence. I suspect it is a bit of her personality and a bit of just wanting to be seen as a big kid too.

Good Samaritan

Timothy and Tabitha

Hero badges

Saul on the road to Damascus

Having been a part of leading in a children's ministry before, we know that volunteers are a mighty backbone of any church. The church we are attending now is a satellite site for a mega church. It meets in an area high school building, so it feels like a small church plant (like all the churches we were a part of in Brooklyn) but it has the resources of a mega church behind it. You can clearly tell how those resources impact the classroom setting, the activities the kids do, the number of volunteers in the room, and the resources that come home. The teacher's in Kip and Ivy's classroom are wonderful.

Right now, both kids are doing really well in Sunday School. The teachers gush about how cute Kip is with Ivy and how protective and caring he is. They have sent him two postcards in the mail thanking him for his good behavior and acknowledging how sweet he is caring for Ivy. I was very touched by that extra effort on their part to send him a note. I am a little worried about how it will go when Kip bumps up to the elementary class and Ivy is left on her own. We shall see.

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