March 28, 2022

Weekending it

Winter has returned. Boo! It's in the 30s today and false spring has faded. 

Lots to do this weekend. Typical chores, haircut for me, Target shopping, Dan took Kip to his first swim lesson at the Y which involved no swimsuits or water. Kip was only willing to look at the pool. He claims he already knows how to swim. We will try again next week.

Mandy and I purged and organized the utility/storage room in the basement.

Dan took the kids to the playground.

Kip did big-kid Legos and science experiments and Dan watched KU advance to the next round in March Madness.

There was BIG progress on the bathroom last week. I'm crossing ALL my fingers and toes that it gets done TODAY and I can do a full and final reveal this week. Cross your fingers for me too???

Happy Monday!

March 24, 2022

Sweet Scenes

Random photo dump of cuteness

Kip willingly offered to help me when I was cleaning one night. He is much slower to embrace independent life skills, let alone offer his assistance, so this was surprising!

Adventures in self-dressing! Ivy embraces independence. She tries very hard to do advanced skills like put pants on, or in this case, squeeze into the neck hole of a bib.

Tea for two...or three!

Ivy's birthday is in mid-May. Since early February, Kip has been consistently making things for her birthday and having me individually wrap them and save them for May. It's a weekly thing. Ivy has a whole gift bag and small stack of wrapped creations waiting for her. They range from a small scrap of cut-up paper to an elaborate "design" drawing. 

Cute attempt at swirly writing:

March 22, 2022

Bathroom Renovation - Status Stalled

Before becoming a homeowner, I always wondered why home improvement projects took people so long. You get a complete distortion of reality when you watch all these makeover shows on cable that knock out complete home remodels in what feels like a week. Or an hour for that matter.

In the real world, it seems, most home improvement projects take months and they are almost always riddled with issues. In our case, we were up against added complications. 1) We don't know the first thing about home projects and didn't have a clear sense of what we wanted to do or what we could afford 2) we had trouble finding a contractor 3) we had a huge saga with our shower which scared me away from completing the project 4) Covid delays 5) supply chain issues 6) general contractor scheduling problems 7) money. 

None of these are abnormal...okay, maybe the shower saga, but otherwise home projects take time. Period. Nothing is done quickly.

We are approaching a full year and a half of our main bathroom being in some state of disrepair. Back when I updated last, we had identified a contractor to work with and his team installed our new sinks, counters, and faucets and we were really happy with their work. 

They came back another day the following week (again, this is back in January) and worked on prepping the trim for the new floor. They also patched our drywall and repainted the entire bathroom. Here is the story about that:

Back in the summer, the cruddy shower installers ripped out the existing tub and put a drywall patch in it's place. It was a bad drywall job that Dan tried to tidy but we were left with a notable line in the wall. 

Without the skills to fix it, I just figured we'd paint over it and I'd hang some towel bars above it and sort of hide it. In the fall, I picked a paint color and Dan and I spent over a week priming and painting the walls and ceiling. It was a difficult task and took forever because the dark tan paint underneath required us to do multiple coats of the blue. I wanted a really subtle blue but it turned out very nursery baby blue. Ultimately, I didn't love the end result, but from our perspective, it looked good enough for our effort. 
Well, when our contractor came in to do the sink in January, he noted the crappy drywall job. He was a bit shocked that "professionals" did it. And then told me that Dan and I used the wrong type of paint for the bathroom walls. We used a semi-gloss and apparently you want a flat finish in a bathroom due to the level of condensation. Learn from our mistakes! He said he could fix the drywall and repaint for us. I wasn't too excited about the extra expense but I agreed the drywall looked bad and I wasn't happy with the paint color I picked anyways. Dan and I were not willing to attempt another paint job so we agreed the contractor and his team could do it. 

I Googled "best paint color for a bathroom" and got Benjamin Moore Gray Cashmere. It was a shot in the dark but it is gorgeous. Just the look I wanted and I'm so happy we agreed to have them repaint. They did a clean paint job and the drywall is perfect. The contractor was right, as soon as we put the tub in, there is no chance to fix the drywall so it was best to just take care of it then. So it was a win-some lose-some situation. Good result but we wasted time and money on our initial paint job.

Anyways, after that day in late January, I paid the contractor for the drywall and paint job. He left all the stuff they had prepped for the trim and floor and he left. And no work has happened since then. That's right, two months have passed with no work. 

Frustrated? Yeah, you could say that. 

What happened was I was waiting for the contractor to look at the tub I had picked. He was supposed to tell me if the specs were right before we ordered it. He never got back to me. So that last afternoon he was at the house he assumed I had already bought the tub. Did I drop the ball? Did he? Whatever. Since I had not bought the tub, he couldn't come back until the tub arrived. So I ordered the tub that night, ordered the faucet, ordered the light. It all arrived the second week in February. But by that point, his team was working on a kitchen remodel not nearby and therefore we got pushed to the back of the line. Waiting, waiting, waiting. This contractor is great but he is very laid back. There is no timetable, no schedule, no steps to follow for what to order and what he supplies. That's annoying but I'm willing to stick it out with him because he does a quality job and I'm not going to risk losing that!! I KNOW the flip side. So, we wait. There are three days of work left on our bathroom and this is the state it has been since for the last two months:

Tidy enough but not usable. The subfloor has been exposed since July. That toilet has been waiting to be installed since this summer. The rest of the flooring has been sitting in the garage since January. The tub has been sitting in the garage since February. We are beyond ready for this project to be done. And when it is, I'm sure hoping I'll feel like this was all worth it.

Oh, one other tid-bit crazy to add. Back in January I noticed the shower water was getting cold on me really fast. We all assumed the worst and would have to replace our water heater. We called a repair man out and he said our water heater was fine. Dan told him that the showers were getting cold and showed him our new shower. When he turned on the water, the guy told him exactly what the problem was. The new shower head that the cruddy shower people installed uses 5 GALLONS OF WATER PER MINUTE. So much force and water that the water heater was not able to keep up if two people took a shower back to back (which we do). And holy water bill! I knew the shower head was intense and I never liked it but it was brand new and we just got used to the torpedo skin-blasting force of it. We could have kept using the shower but we just stopped and opted to wait until the contractor could install a new adjustable and water efficient shower head. Thus, Dan and I have been using the kids bathroom since January. Thank goodness, we've at least had that.

March 21, 2022

Weekending it

Happy Monday. And woof, it's a Monday FOR SURE.

Traffic was awful this morning since the time change puts Dan driving us into New York when the sun hits directly into the windshield. Dan had subway issues on top of that and had to walk a good deal of his way into Brooklyn. I got two blisters breaking in new shoes walking from the ferry to the office. Mandy dealt with Kip's meltdown over his packed lunch and my database at work is down...stalling all my goals for the day. 

BUT, none of that matters because it is officially SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Goodbye winter doldrums! We likely still have chilly weather ahead but flowers and warmer temps are already peeking out. Makes my heart soar. 

This weekend we had a blissful Saturday filled with sunshine. Mandy and I went girls shopping and Dan took the kids on the first bike ride of the year. They played outside for over two hours!! So grateful for our little yard and driveway for them to play in and the park nearby with baseball field "sandbox."

Sunday was overcast and not as warm but we walked into town in the afternoon to attend the St. Patrick's Day parade with one of Kip's little classmates. We ended up getting there too early and sat too close to the end of the route but overall it was a good time. The kids got candy and the day passed quickly with the activity to break it up.

It was a really cute little small town parade.

Kip missed another three days of school last week for the return of his mysterious symptoms. We are now tracking a food diary for his intake and I scheduled an allergist appointment for early April. We are all hoping he gets through the full week of school! I've registered him for summer camp in August and Mandy is sourcing and stocking swimsuits and summer clothes for the kids. We LIVE for summer and our season is in sight!

March 16, 2022

Genius Kip the Scientist

Grandma brought Kip a little experiment kit during her visit. We tried it out during one of Ivy's nap times. Kip had a blast and looked so cute in those little science goggles.

We tried color mixing, a bubble reaction, and a cool Skittles rainbow experiment. The kit was for ages 3+ but it definitely required an adult to guide the process. Overall it was really fun and it will be a great activity to do for "special time" when Ivy is napping and Kip gets some one-on-one attention.