March 21, 2022

Weekending it

Happy Monday. And woof, it's a Monday FOR SURE.

Traffic was awful this morning since the time change puts Dan driving us into New York when the sun hits directly into the windshield. Dan had subway issues on top of that and had to walk a good deal of his way into Brooklyn. I got two blisters breaking in new shoes walking from the ferry to the office. Mandy dealt with Kip's meltdown over his packed lunch and my database at work is down...stalling all my goals for the day. 

BUT, none of that matters because it is officially SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Goodbye winter doldrums! We likely still have chilly weather ahead but flowers and warmer temps are already peeking out. Makes my heart soar. 

This weekend we had a blissful Saturday filled with sunshine. Mandy and I went girls shopping and Dan took the kids on the first bike ride of the year. They played outside for over two hours!! So grateful for our little yard and driveway for them to play in and the park nearby with baseball field "sandbox."

Sunday was overcast and not as warm but we walked into town in the afternoon to attend the St. Patrick's Day parade with one of Kip's little classmates. We ended up getting there too early and sat too close to the end of the route but overall it was a good time. The kids got candy and the day passed quickly with the activity to break it up.

It was a really cute little small town parade.

Kip missed another three days of school last week for the return of his mysterious symptoms. We are now tracking a food diary for his intake and I scheduled an allergist appointment for early April. We are all hoping he gets through the full week of school! I've registered him for summer camp in August and Mandy is sourcing and stocking swimsuits and summer clothes for the kids. We LIVE for summer and our season is in sight!

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