March 24, 2022

Sweet Scenes

Random photo dump of cuteness

Kip willingly offered to help me when I was cleaning one night. He is much slower to embrace independent life skills, let alone offer his assistance, so this was surprising!

Adventures in self-dressing! Ivy embraces independence. She tries very hard to do advanced skills like put pants on, or in this case, squeeze into the neck hole of a bib.

Tea for two...or three!

Ivy's birthday is in mid-May. Since early February, Kip has been consistently making things for her birthday and having me individually wrap them and save them for May. It's a weekly thing. Ivy has a whole gift bag and small stack of wrapped creations waiting for her. They range from a small scrap of cut-up paper to an elaborate "design" drawing. 

Cute attempt at swirly writing:

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