May 7, 2021

Peeks from the Week

Let's see, another week down the hatch. We are full of spring sunshine and pollen but really excited for summer. Lots to look forward to!

Last weekend Dan and I both got our second shots. We had side effects starting 12 hours after the shot that lasted for 24 hours (total 36 hours from the shot). It felt like the flu and certainly wasn't comfortable but it was beyond better knowing it was just side effects and we weren't contagious to the kids and it was temporary. I know everyone has opinions on this vaccine. You're entitled to your decision and we are entitled to ours. Both are okay, neither decision needs to be vilified. For us, we're grateful for science and modern technology and being able to do something concrete to help the world move on from this. 

Also this weekend, Dan and I became an aunt and uncle. And Kip and Ivy have a baby cousin! Dan's brother and his wife had their first born on Sunday and we are so excited for them!!!! Looking forward to seeing them eventually and grateful for a happy and healthy mom and baby. 

This time last year we were one week away from Ivy's arrival and I remember feeling so anxious about her birth and life postpartum. I can't believe we are a whole year later! Crazy.

This week Dan signed us up for a family membership at the YMCA down the block. We wanted to wait until after we got vaccinated to really get plugged into anything here. Starting in June Dan will get to go back to the gym and next weekend Kip will start an outdoor pee wee sports sampler class. We're trying to get him signed-up for swim lessons as well. I don't know what I'll do yet but I'm excited about options and I love that it is walking distance from the house.

We have a robin that made a nest in one of our trees this week. It was really cool to watch it being built. It's fairly high so I'm not sure we will ever get a view of the eggs or birdies but it's fun to see.

So much nature around us now we aren't sure what to do with ourselves! There is a baby bunny under one of our bushes and this little guy (or gal) said hello to me this week.
This weekend we have chores and grocery shopping like usual but hoping to do some fun and relaxing Mother's Day stuff too. 

What else...we have an upcoming renovation project, the community pool will open, Grandma and Grandpa will visit, and Ivy's first birthday!! I love May. Have a wonderful weekend!!

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