May 18, 2021

Ivy || One Year Old

And here we are at one year old!!

Yesterday, Ivy turned one year old and what a wONEderful day it was to celebrate a wONEderful one year old!

Ivy at 12 Months
Weight: 21 lbs. 11.2 oz (19 lbs. 4 oz. at nine months)
Height: 31.57 inches (29.8 inches inches nine months)
Personality: sensitive and active

Isn't that photo great? What a way to end her year long photo progression! I love it.
Kip's milk cup
Any and all FRUIT
Most vegetables that taste like fruits
Yogurt and applesauce pouches
BATH! I think she will adore summer water play!
Stroller rides
Snacks her her stroller snack tray
Kip's trains and cars
One particular Duplo lego piece
Looking out the windows
Cruising along anything she can reach
Playing in the pantry 
Opening and closing doors
Going down for her second nap
Clothes changes
When Kip takes things from her
When Kip yells at her
When anyone makes loud "moo" noises
Getting out of the bath
Getting her face and hands wiped
When someone else has fruit and she doesn't
Size 4 diapers
12-18 month clothing
3-6 month shoes (tiny toe toes! so she mostly goes barefoot)
Sleep sack
Things I want to remember about Ivy at 12 months old:
The way she expresses what she wants at the dinner table by squealing or screeching
How she displays her jealousy over Kip getting attention or someone else eating something she wants
How excited she gets when she sees Kip's milk cup in the morning
Looking at things happening in the world outside her windows
Using the little blue kid chairs to push around as a walker to get to where she wants to go
Her huge front teeth gap (so cute!)
How much she wants a juice box of her own
When she learned to drink from a straw cup and couldn't quite manage the flow
Pushing trains on the tracks
Trying to put Duplos together 
Stacking rings
Her round lips "oooohhhh" expression
How her whole body squeals and wiggles with excitement 
Her exploration and discovery in the pantry and lower shelves
How she throws toys to put them in baskets 
How she stands up for herself and screams in Kip's face when he gets in her space or takes her toys
Food facials 
The way she plays with my hand while she nurses

Oh boy. Well, still haven't mastered Ivy's sleep, if that's even possible. For the most part she takes two naps a day and generally goes to bed at 6 pm. She wakes up all hours of the night to nurse and no longer just moans. She stands up and bloody murder screams. Will I ever have the nerve to fully sleep train her? She did give me false hope last month with a handful of nights with no wake ups. This month, nothing. She wakes up for the day anywhere from 5 am to 6:30 am. I have a feeling she will drop to one nap a day before the summer is over and we may have to push her bedtime later. Woof. The night before her birthday, she was wide awake from 10:30 pm until 1:00 am. That was the worst nights sleep of her life. Cool, cool. It's funny to me that her first month of life she slept 90% of a 24 hour period and I stupidly assumed she was a "high sleep needs baby." BHAHAAAA. She has the last laugh on sleep, for sure.

Ivy is a lover of fruit and all things sweet. She is more hesitant to try new things but if we can get her to try it she usually enjoys it. She gets very angry if someone has something she wants (like a juice box or strawberries) and she will scream and scream until she gets it or is sufficiently distracted. She loves yogurt the most for breakfast. Blueberries are her love language. Her favorite "type" of food is dairy or fruit. She enjoys cheese, veggie straws, puffs, applesauce pouches, peaches, pears, strawberries, pineapple, peas, and corn. She tends to have more picky moments than Kip did at this age but on the whole she is a good little eater. She still nurses around the clock and so far isn't a fan of cows milk. Now that she is a year, we may try ratio introducing cows milk into formula to see how that goes. I would like to wean but she is still very interested in nursing so I am taking it slow.

Ivy loves to play. This month with increased mobility she really discovered toys. She LOVES Kip's trains and cars and has figured out how to make them move. She is great at stacking things or putting smaller things into larger things. She tries to do LEGOS and Magnatiles and really pays attention to what Kip does and imitates him. She gets into Kip's stuff a lot and gets into quite a lot of trouble with him. Sometimes Kip will squeal with delight "Ivy is playing trains!" when she does something successfully with his track but if she messes it up she hears it. But, Ivy stands up for herself when Kip takes things away and she will often scream back in his face or attempt to bite him. Woah, the dynamics between these two is something else. She is getting really close to walking and loves to move around the room with the assistance of anything she can use to stabilize herself. I'm really excited for some of the gifts she got for her birthday as she is definitely moving on from her baby toys. 

Ivy is so vocal it really feels like she is talking even though it doesn't make a ton of sense to us. She "oooohhh" and "ahhhhs" and squeals and screams. She has said "Dadada" and "Mamama" but not in a way that makes us think she meant Mama and Dada. I can't wait to hear what she has to say and how she will keep up with Kip when it comes to who dominates a conversation. 

Sweet girl I cannot believe you are already one year old. This year was so tough for all of us mentally and with the transitions of life and the pandemic it was such a whirlwind. I'm so grateful you were along for the ride and I'm grateful for the year we had with you. I'm so happy I got to spend so much time with you every single day while working from home and I'm looking forward to seeing all the ways you grow and change in the year ahead.

This month you started taking baths without your seat, got your top front teeth, had your first pigtails, went down the slide for the first time, rode on a swing, had your first sips of juice and bites of ice cream. You learned to drink from a straw cup and a big kid sippy cup. You got your first cold (poor thing). You can stand independently for a few seconds, pull up and cruise around, and get to wherever you want to go. You have every single person in this house wrapped around your cute fingers and we absolutely adore you!

Happy Birthday little Ivy Bean! You are beautiful all the way through to your soul.

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