February 13, 2019

Kippy || 18 Months Old

On Sunday Kippy turned 18 months old!! Halfway to two years old, I can't believe it!

Kipling at 18 months
Weight:  26 lbs. 11.2 oz (25 lbs. 3.2 oz. at 15 months) 
Height:  33.5 inches (32.20 inches at 15 months) 
Personality: Busy and creative + sweet and saucy

16 Months
Clingy phase
Visit with Santa
First time walking in snow
First little hair trim
First time to eat Thanksgiving dinner
First visit to a kid's museum
Loved the Christmas decorations and playing with his nativity set

Favorite activity: crunching through the leaves

17 Months
Trip into the city to see the holiday markets
Pet a donkey and sheep at the Live Nativity
Enjoyed Christmas and unwrapping presents
Adored all the attention from family in Kansas
Banged on a piano for the first time
Got his first trike and basketball hoop
Finally started noticing dogs and interacting with them
First ear infection and antibiotics

Favorite activity: throwing balls

18 Months
Started getting attached to stuffed animals
Started to play feed and cuddle with his baby doll which he now calls "Mama"
True tantrums on occasion, drop on the floor kind of tantrums
Transitioned to one nap a day
Learned to run
Discovered he could scream voluntarily (oh joy)

Favorite activity: hugging his stuffies and dragging his doll around by the hair

Kippy is sleeping 6 pm - 6 pm and is now taking only one nap a day. We just transitioned a few weeks ago so that is a major adjustment. He naps from around 11 am to hopefully around 1 pm. He will occasionally wake up in the night but we try to let him settle himself with the pacifier. Check back in 6 months and will let you know how that pacifier addiction is going. Eek.

Kippy loves to eat. His most favorite thing is applesauce pouches. It's a problem. He will throw the biggest fit over those things. He also really loves waffles with peanut butter. He loves cheese and his milk. Lover of dairy and lover of carbs. He also loves fruit. Veggies we're working on. He gets milk first thing in the morning, eats breakfast with Dan and me at 7 am, lunch at 11 am, and dinner at 5 pm. Two snacks and another cup of milk after nap. He has his picky moments but for the most part he is a good eater. He is also using forks and spoons now too. He refuses milk in any other cup except a sippy cup but he will drink water from a 360 cup, open cup, or straw cup.

Kip is hardcore with play. He plays cars, loves his trains, adores legos. Plays in his kitchen. Bangs on his instruments. He just started getting attached to stuffed animals and his baby doll. He does peek-a-boo, and we just started play doh and coloring. His imagination is beginning to grow and it is so fun to just sit and watch him play independently.

Kippy hasn't hit the word explosion phase yet but he is still able to communicate quiet well with hand gestures, some sign language, pointing, and shaking his head. He says: mama, dada, poppa (my dad), woof, quack, ca-ka (cracker), ma (for applesauce), agah (for dog), car, go, I di dit (I did it), ah da (for all done), oh wow, and ball. He does respond to his name but he also responds if you call him Santa (hmm).

This beginning toddler phase is quiet fun with all the exploration and development happening daily. We are starting to see hints of the "terrible twos" but I'm hoping, like most, that those are just moments. I often feel like a tantrum-throwing two year old myself so we can all have our moments. 

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